HiMax: Characterization of the CogniMem Device EE x96 Final Presentation Project Advisor: Neil Scott Faculty Advisor: Tep Dobry Members: Raymundo Flores EE 296 Darnel Balais EE 496
Presentation Overview: Team and Member Introduction Project Background Initial Project Goals Project Challenges Final Design – Design Decisions – Design Structure Final Project Status Future Improvements References
Team and Member Introduction: HiMax Group: Communication and Information Sciences, UH Manoa – Develop and research applications using the Cognimem Chip. Department of Electrical Engineering - UH Manoa – Develop and research baseline characteristic of the CogniMem Neural Processor. – Create hardware and develop software for baseline characterization. Darnel Balais: Software Programmer Raymundo Flores: Hardware
Project Background: CogniMem 1K Specs - Patented parallel architecture Parallel neurons - Unlimited neural network expansion - Trained by example - Low power consumption Image Recognition Board
Initial Project Goals: This technology is fairly new, so we propose to develop: 1. Procedures to accurately train the Neural Processor, 2. Baselines for "high-level confidence" for pattern recognition for a given physical environment. 3. (For follow-on X96 Project), an application that uses the CogniMem Neural processor, with a "built-in" camera, as an autonomous pointer that identifies any painting / object in a museum setting. The camera, then can be used to communicate to an ultra portable PC via broadband that gathers information about the identified painting.
Conceptual Design:
Project Challenges: First CogniMem integrated hardware failure Proceeded with using another CogniMem hardwares – From an integrated image recognition board to a 3-piece boards (camera, CogniMem neuron processor, and PicAxe). PC software installation errors. Limited knowledge.
Final Design Decision: Option to go back to the IRB was chosen by the team. Concentration on the “Characterization of the CogniMem” device was implemented rather than hardware interfaces.
Final Design Structure: Characterization of the CogniMem device
Final Project Status: Completed: Charting the recognition layout capabilities of neuron trainings set at different distances away from the picture with “high confidence level”. Became one of the “handful of people” who has used and exploited the capabilities of the CogniMem Neuron processor.
Future Improvements Continue thru X396 Project: Operate Image Recognition Board in stand-alone mode. Application: American Sign Language recognition.
References: Distributer Researchers Developers
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