Learn about research involving a free web based tutoring system and how it is used to support the formative assessment process in real classrooms. Worcester Polytechnic Institute Introduces Neil Heffernan, the computer science professor about his research using this tool. In this Webinar you will hear from: Matt Militello, a professor of school leadership on how school leaders can use such a system. Courtney Mulcahy, an 8 th grade teacher who uses ASSISTment in her formative assessment process every day. Cristina Heffernan, who trains teachers to use the system and incorporate it into their classroom.
What is ? ASSISTment is a free web-based system to help teachers with formative assessment *. It does this by: 1.Not wasting the students time since they instantly get feedback and tutoring on problems they get wrong. 2.Getting detailed data back to the teacher (and the student)instantly and easily so that the next activity can be planned. ASSISTance + AssessMENT The system blends * We use the definition of the Council of Chief State School Officersdefinition
The ASSISTment System: an important part of the formative assessment process. Answering the question “Where are they now?” is a key element of the formative assessment process for teachers and students. With ASSISTment the teachers select items that assess a goal in the learning progression. Students get instant feedback on where they are now and descriptive feedback on the learning task to help them learn. Teachers get item reports that let them know where the class is now. Both teacher and students respond to the data Teachers design new lessons to respond to the data. Students develop new learning strategies to move forward on the learning progression