Monitoring and reporting on the drug phenomenon in Europe EMCDDA mandate and activities Wolfgang Götz, Scientific Committee, Palmela, 14 February 2008
2 Outline of the presentation Mission of the EMCDDA Structure of the Centre EU Drugs Strategy and Action Plan Priorities and principals of the EMCDDA work programmes
3 European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) The central reference point for drug information in the EU Established in 1993, based in Lisbon A decentralised European Union agency agencies are an answer to a desire for geographical devolution and the need to cope with new tasks of a technical and/or scientific nature
4 Legal basis Regulation (EC) No 1920/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council (12 December 2006) on the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (recast) Council Decision 2005/387/JHA of 10 May 2005 on the information exchange, risk assessment and control of new psychoactive substances
5 EMCDDA – Mission To collect, analyse and disseminate factual, objective, reliable and comparable information on drugs and drug addiction and their consequences To provide an evidence based picture of the drug phenomenom at European level New mission statement (2007) broadens scope: collect, register, analyse information on emerging trends in polydrug use, including combined use of licit and illicit psychoactive substances provide information on best practice in Member States and facilitate exchange of such practice between them
6 EMCDDA - Main tasks Collecting and analysing existing data Improving data-comparison methods Disseminating data Cooperating with European and international bodies/organisations and with non-EU countries Informing Member States about new develop- ments and changing trends
7 Scientific Coordination In-house structure
8 Decisional and operational structure Executive Committee Management Board Member States European Commission (2) European Parliament (2) Observers Scientific Committee Director Staff Reitox network
9 The EU approach EU Drugs Strategy EU Drugs Action Plan (EU Drugs Action Plan )
10 Demand reduction Supply reduction International cooperation Research, information and evaluation EU Drugs Strategy ( ): structure
11 EU Drugs Action Plan : Content Five areas of intervention Coordination 6 objectives, 9 actions Demand reduction 11 objectives, 18 actions Supply reduction 10 objectives, 24 actions International cooperation 11 objectives, 21 actions Information, research, 8 objectives, 14 actions evaluation 46 objectives, 86 actions
12 EMCDDA contribution to the EU Action Plan Participates in the definition of the assessment tools/indicators for the implementation of Action Plan Supports the EC for progress reports: drafting of thematic papers, mainly in the areas of coordination, drug demand reduction and information/research/evaluation Contributes to the impact assessment in 2008 (the drug situation in the EU )
13 EMCDDA work programmes 3-year work programme Annual work programme 2008 In the context of EMCDDA regulation (recast) EU drugs strategy and action plan Council decision on psychoactive substances
14 3-year work programme: guiding principles and priorities Consolidate monitoring and reporting activities Enhance data analysis Communicate more effectively Scientific Excellence Commitment to partnership Good governance and efficiency