MEMBERSHIPS OF THE JINR PROGRAMME ADVISORY COMMITTEES (independent members appointed ad personam) A. Sissakian, Ts. Vylov
PAC for Particle Physics S. Dubnička (IP, Bratislava, Slovak Republic) N. Giokaris (University, Athens, Greece) H. Gutbrod (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany) T. Hallman (BNL, Upton, USA) L. Jenkovszky (BITP, Kiev, Ukraine) J. Nassalski (INS, Warsaw, Poland) P. Spillantini (INFN, Florence, Italy) E. Tomasi-Gustafsson (DAPNIA, CE Saclay, France) H.D. Trines (DESY, Hamburg, Germany) N. Tyurin (IHEP, Protvino, Russia) R. Voss (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
PAC for Nuclear Physics H. Börner (ILL, Grenoble, France) R. Broda (INP, Cracow, Poland) J. Dobeš (NPI, Řež, Czech Republic) Yu. Gaponov (RRC "Kurchatov Iinstitute", Moscow, Russia) A. Goverdovski (IPPE, Obninsk, Russia) N. Janeva (INRNE, Sofia, Bulgaria) G. Münzenberg (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany) C. Petitjean (PSI, Villigen, Switzerland) N. Rowley (IReS, Strasbourg, France) A. Sobiczewski (INS, Warsaw, Poland)
PAC for Condensed Matter Physics P. Alexeev (RRC “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia) R. Cywinski (University, Leeds, UK) S. Kozubek (IB, Brno, Czech Republic) H. Lauter (ILL, Grenoble, France) F. Macášek (University, Bratislava, Slovakia) P. Mikula (NPI, Řež, Czech Republic) D. Nagy (KFKI, Budapest, Hungary) W. Nawrocik (University, Poznań, Poland) G. Pepy (LLB, Saclay, France) H. Tietze-Jaench (FZ, Jülich, Germany)
Memberships of the PACs 1.To re-appoint T. Hallman and N. Rowley as Chairperson of the PAC for Particle Physics and as Chairperson of the PAC for Nuclear Physics, respectively, for a term of two years. According to the previous appointment, W. Nawrocik continues to be the Chairperson of the PAC for Condensed Matter Physics until June To extend the mandates of the PACs with their present memberships for three more years, looking forward to a rotation of PAC members as stipulated by the Regulation for the JINR PACs.