Hymn 79 Bless the Lord Eternal, O My Soul. Verse 1 Bless the Lord Eternal, O my soul, bless His holy sacred name!


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Presentation transcript:

Hymn 79 Bless the Lord Eternal, O My Soul

Verse 1 Bless the Lord Eternal, O my soul, bless His holy sacred name!

And forget not all His benefits to those who fear His name.

He forgives all our iniquities; our diseases He will heal;

From destruction He redeems our life, and He crowns us with His love!

Verse 2 Bless the Lord Eternal, O my soul, let the heavens praise His name!

For His mercy is as high above as heav’n above the earth.

Not according to our many sins has the Lord so dealt with us;

For as far as east is from the west, He removes from us our sins!

Verse 3 Bless the Lord Eternal, O my soul, let the angels praise His name!

For in heaven He has fixed His throne and there He rules the earth.

The Eternal vindicates the cause of all those who have been wronged;

For His mercy is as high above as the heav’ns above the earth!

Last Verse Bless the Lord Eternal, O my soul, for His love always endures!

And His loyalty is to our sons who keep all His commands.

As for man, he blossoms like a flow’r, and his days are like the grass;

But from death the Lord redeems our life and He crowns us with His love!