-What is the lowest level of the Federal court system? Row Question
-District Court Row Answer
-What is the middle level of the federal court sytem? Row Question
-Appeals Court Row Answer
-What is the highest level of the federal court system? Row Question
-US Supreme Court Row Answer
-What type of case is it when people decide if you have broken a law? Row Question
-Criminal Case Row Answer
- What type of case would involve a dispute over an injury or contract? Row Question
-Civil Case Row Answer
- What type of jurisdiction only allows the Federal court to hear the case? Row Question
-Exclusive jurisdiction Row Answer
- What type of jurisdiction gives you the authority to hear the case first? Row Question
-Original jurisdiction Row Answer
Row Question - What type of jurisdiction lets cases be heard on the state or federal level?
-Concurrent Jurisdiction Row Answer
Row Question -What type of jurisdiction is it when the case must be heard on a lower level first, then come on appeal?
-Appellate Jurisdiction Row Answer
- What type of laws are broken when something illegal happens at sea? Row Question
-Maritime laws Row Answer
- How many district courts does NC have? Row Question
-3 Row Answer
-Who determines guilt or innocence on the district court level? Row Question
-Jury Row Answer
- Who determines the punishment of the guilty on the district court level? Row Question
-Judge Row Answer
- Which district court official arrests and transports suspects? Row Question
-US Marshall Row Answer
-What lawyer represents the government on the district level? Row Question
- US Attorney Row Answer
-Who can assist judges by issuing court orders or deciding if there is enough evidence for a trial on the district court level? Row Question
-Magistrates Row Answer
- What do we call appeal court districts? Row Question
-Circuits Row Answer
- Name 3 states other than NC in our appeals court district? Row Question
-SC, VA, WV, MD Row Answer
-What is it called when the appeals court confirms or keeps the decision made by the district court? Row Question
-Uphold Row Answer
- What is it called when the appeals court reverses the previous court’s decision? Row Question
-Overturn Row Answer
- What is it called when an appeals court sends the case back to the district court for a retrial? Row Question
-Remand Row Answer
What do we call the legal thinking behind a court’s decision? Row Question
-Opinion Row Answer
- What do we call a court order to appear in a criminal case? Row Question
-Subpoena Row Answer
- Which article of the Constitution sets up and describes the judicial branch? Row Question
-3 Row Answer
-Opinions help to establish what, which is a guide for others to follow? Row Question
-Precedent Row Answer