Objective: Today in class we will review to describe the different levels of courts and their powers. The source of power of the federal court, and the levels of federal courts and their jurisdiction. Finally, the state court system with the federal system and the jurisdiction of various state courts. Bellwork: When is the Chapter 4 Test? What should you do to prepare?
We will have 10 rounds. I will hand each group a set of question. Do not write on the question slips, please put them back in the envelope when the round is over. You must answer the question that corresponds to YOUR seat number and write the answer on the stack of post it notes on your table. After you have answered YOUR question you should discuss with your group members to see if there is a consensus agreement. Once you have your question answered stick your post it note on the paper on the board for your group letter.
ANSWERING THE QUESTION 2 minutes to answer the question on your own. During this time there is NO TALKING. You may use your notes the textbook under your desk Any handouts from Chapter 14 On Your Post It Write Your Group Letter The Question # (Format Seat #. Question #) The Answer REVIEWING THE QUESTION 1 minute to review each group answer and make any changes. When your group agrees that the answer is correct go up to the board and place the post it on the paper for your assigned group Letter. The group with the most correct answers will receive a prize
(Seat 1 Question 1) In the state court system, who's duty is it to summon witnesses, keep order in court, and take steps to carry out judgments. (Seat 2 Question 1) Is a decision made by a mediator, binding to the parties in the dispute? (Seat 3 Question 1) Does the United States Supreme Court has original jurisdiction over all cases in this country? (Seat 4 Question 1) Which do Appellate courts usually decide; errors of law or errors of fact in the trial?
(Seat 1 Question 1) In the state court system, who's duty is it to summon witnesses, keep order in court, and take steps to carry out judgments. (Answer) Sheriff (Seat 2 Question 1) Is a decision made by a mediator, binding to the parties in the dispute? (Answer) No, an arbitrator’s decision is binding (Seat 3 Question 1) Does the United States Supreme Court has original jurisdiction over all cases in this country? (Answer) No, only over cases involving ambassadors and foreign dignitaries (Seat 4 Question 1) Which do Appellate courts usually decide; errors of law or errors of fact in the trial? (Answer) Errors of law
(Seat 1 Question 2) What 3 things may a court impose? (Seat 2 Question 2) The state legal system, as well as the federal, has how many branches of government? (Seat 3 Question 2) How many federal courts of appeal are there? (Seat 4 Question 2) Are records made on juvenile cases are open to the public?
(Seat 1 Question 2) What 3 things may a court impose? (Answer) Punishments, Award Damages, and Grant Appropriate Relief (Seat 2 Question 2) The state legal system, as well as the federal, has how many branches of government? (Answer) 3 (Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary) (Seat 3 Question 2) How many federal courts of appeal are there? (Answer) 13 ( 12 for each geographical area and one for federal circuit) (Seat 4 Question 2) Are records made on juvenile cases are open to the public? (Answer) NO! These records are sealed!
(Seat 1 Question 3) Who makes decisions that bind the parties to a dispute? (Seat 2 Question 3) Does the state supreme courts issue the final decision on all matters of law appealed to them? (Seat 3 Question 3) In the state court system who summons witnesses, maintains court order, and takes the necessary steps to carry out court judgments? (Seat 4 Question 3) Minor individual suits would not often be heard if not for which courts?
(Seat 1 Question 3) Who makes decisions that bind the parties to a dispute? (Answer) An arbitrator (Seat 2 Question 3) Does the state supreme courts issue the final decision on all matters of law appealed to them? (Answer) No, decisions involving the constitution or federal law may be appealed to the US Supreme Court (Seat 3 Question 3) In the state court system who summons witnesses, maintains court order, and takes the necessary steps to carry out court judgments? (Answer) Sheriff (Seat 4 Question 3) Minor individual suits would not often be heard if not for which courts? (Answer) Small Claims Court
(Seat 1 Question 4) The state court of appeals has a panel of how many judges? (Seat 2 Question 4) The federal district courts have original jurisdiction over what 2 types of cases? (Seat 3 Question 4) What is the goal of the juvenile courts? (Seat 4 Question 4) Courts that administer wills and estates are called?
(Seat 1 Question 4) The state court of appeals has a panel of how many judges? (Answer) 3 (Seat 2 Question 4) The federal district courts have original jurisdiction over what 2 types of cases? (Answer) Issues with federal law and lawsuits between citizens of different states (Seat 3 Question 4) What is the goal of the juvenile courts? (Answer) Rehabilitate (Seat 4 Question 4) Courts that administer wills and estates are called? (Answer) Probate Courts
(Seat 1 Question 4) The state courts of record have general original jurisdiction over both civil and criminal matters and are known as? (Seat 2 Question 4) Margo’s mother recently died and left a detailed will describing her wishes regarding the division of her real and personal property. Which court will actually administer the will and estate? (Seat 3 Question 4) Negotiating a settlement between injured parties without going to court may include which individuals? (Seat 4 Question 4) Which court has its jurisdiction limited by the amount of money involved in the litigation?
(Seat 1 Question 4) The state courts of record have general original jurisdiction over both civil and criminal matters and are known as? (Answer) Circuit Court (or District Court) (Seat 2 Question 4) Margo’s mother recently died and left a detailed will describing her wishes regarding the division of her real and personal property. Which court will actually administer the will and estate? (Answer) Probate Court (Seat 3 Question 4) Negotiating a settlement between injured parties without going to court may include which individuals? (Answer) Mediator and/or Arbitrator (Seat 4 Question 4) Which court has its jurisdiction limited by the amount of money involved in the litigation? (Answer) Small Claims Court
(Seat 1, Q6) This person works in the local court, their duties are entering cases on the court calendar, keeping records of all court proceedings; and computing court costs, their title is_________________ (Seat 2, Q6) The state court of appeals consists of a panel of ____________ judges and reviews what? (Seat 3, Q6) Municipal courts are usually divided into what two divisions? (Seat 4, Q6) If an appellate court reached a decision in which it affirmed the lower court’s decision. Affirming the court’s decision means?
(Seat 1, Q6) This person works in the local court, their duties are entering cases on the court calendar, keeping records of all court proceedings; and computing court costs, their title is_________________ (Answer) Clerk (Seat 2, Q6) The state court of appeals consists of a panel of ____________ judges and reviews what? (Answer) 3 judges which reviews the law used to resolve the case at the lower level (Seat 3, Q6) Municipal courts are usually divided into what two divisions? (Answer) Criminal and Traffic (Seat 4, Q6) If an appellate court reached a decision in which it affirmed the lower court’s decision. Affirming the court’s decision means? (Answer) It upholds, or keeps, the original decision
(Seat 1, Q7) If a company manufacture’s a product which is defective and severely injures their customer, besides court, who could the customer retain to conduct an informal hearing and make the decision binding to both parties? (Seat 2, Q7) The governmental forum that administers justice under the law is known as a(n) ____________? (Seat 3, Q7) What evidence can Appellate courts evaluate? (Seat 4, Q7) What term means to resolve a dispute in court?
(Seat 1, Q7) If a company manufacture’s a product which is defective and severely injures their customer, besides court, who could the customer retain to conduct an informal hearing and make the decision binding to both parties? (Answer) Arbitrator (Seat 2, Q7) The governmental forum that administers justice under the law is known as a(n) ____________? (Answer) Court (Seat 3, Q7) What evidence can Appellate courts evaluate? (Answer) Transcripts and Legal Briefs from the Prosecution and Defense (Seat 4, Q7) What term means to resolve a dispute in court? (Answer) Litigate
(Seat 1, Q8) An IRS audit says you owe money which you don’t think you owe, eventually the matter will end up in _________ court. (Seat 2, Q8) The first court to hear a dispute is known as the? (Seat 3, Q8) The court system consisting of trial courts, appellate courts, and a supreme court is found at what level or levels? (Seat 4, Q8) How many federal courts of appeal exist within the federal court system?
(Seat 1, Q8) An IRS audit says you owe money which you don’t think you owe, eventually the matter will end up in _________ court. (Answer) Federal Tax Court (Seat 2, Q8) The first court to hear a dispute is known as the? (Answer) Trial Court (Seat 3, Q8) The court system consisting of trial courts, appellate courts, and a supreme court is found at what level or levels? (Answer) Both State and Federal (Seat 4, Q8) How many federal courts of appeal exist within the federal court system? (Answer) 13 ( 12 for each geographical area and one federal circuit)
(Seat 1, Q9) In order for the US Supreme Court to review a case, it will prepare a ___________________________ demanding a state court to turn over its court record of that case. (Seat 2, Q9) Which court has jurisdiction over federal questions or cases that arise under the Constitution, U.S. law, or U.S. treaties? (Seat 3, Q9) In which type of court are attorneys not allowed and is evidence presented informally? (Seat 4, Q9) Two minors age 14 & 15 cause $10,000 damage at their school. The court that most likely will hear their case when it comes to trial is the ________________________.
(Seat 1, Q9) In order for the US Supreme Court to review a case, it will prepare a ___________________________ demanding a state court to turn over its court record of that case. (Answer) Writ of Certiorari (Seat 2, Q9) Which court has jurisdiction over federal questions or cases that arise under the Constitution, U.S. law, or U.S. treaties? (Answer) Federal District Court (Seat 3, Q9) In which type of court are attorneys not allowed and is evidence presented informally? (Answer) Small Claims Court (Seat 4, Q9) Two minors age 14 & 15 cause $10,000 damage at their school. The court that most likely will hear their case when it comes to trial is the ________________________. (Answer) Juvenile Court
(Seat 1, Q10) Mrs. Niebur was driving through town and was issued 2 tickets for speeding a failure to yield. She misplace the tickets and failed to pay the fine, so a warrant was issued for her arrest and a city police office arrested her. She will most likely appear in ______________________ court. (Seat 2, Q10) Joy owes Fern $2,000, given the monetary amount involved, Fern will file suit in ________________ court. (Seat 3, Q10) Suzanne was recently appointed to serve as a judge in her state’s supreme court. The title she will be called is ________________. (Seat 4, Q10) The court reporter is responsible for preparing the official verbatim record of the trial’s proceedings, know as the __________________.
(Seat 1, Q10) Mrs. Niebur was driving through town and was issued 2 tickets for speeding a failure to yield. She misplace the tickets and failed to pay the fine, so a warrant was issued for her arrest and a city police office arrested her. She will most likely appear in ______________________ court. (Answer) Municipal Court (Seat 2, Q10) Joy owes Fern $2,000, given the monetary amount involved, Fern will file suit in ________________ court. (Answer) Small Claims Court (Seat 3, Q10) Suzanne was recently appointed to serve as a judge in her state’s supreme court. The title she will be called is ________________. (Answer) Justice (Seat 4, Q10) The court reporter is responsible for preparing the official verbatim record of the trial’s proceedings, know as the __________________. (Answer) Transcript