I bless you Lord, (Yes) I bless you Lord You are worthy, so worthy to be praised I bless you Lord, (Yes) I bless you Lord You are worthy, so worthy to be praised
I bless you Lord, (Yes) I bless you Lord You are worthy, so worthy to be praised I bless you Lord, (Yes) I bless you Lord You are worthy, so worthy to be praised
For all power and all glory Is to you oh Lord (Repeat)
I bless you Lord, (Yes) I bless you Lord You are worthy, so worthy to be praised I bless you Lord, (Yes) I bless you Lord You are worthy, so worthy to be praised
For all power and all glory Be to you oh Lord Be to you (Repeat)
I bless you Lord, (Yes) I bless you Lord You are worthy, so worthy to be praised I bless you Lord, (Yes) I bless you Lord You are worthy, so worthy to be praised
For all power and all glory Is to you oh Lord (Repeat)
TOOLS Arranged by A Water II Wine Music Ministries Production wateriiwine.org