This Programme is funded by the European Union Programme implemented by Eptisa, Parsons Brinckerhoff, ICET, ITC, GIRHIMPROM and REC Caucasus Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Man- made and Natural Disasters in the ENPI East Region (PPRD East) Activity Area E Project Management 3 rd Steering Committee Meeting June 13, 2014 Sergej Anagnosti Team Leader
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership - establishment of a Programme Steering Committee - appointment of 6 National Programme Coordinators - appointment of a 6 local coordinators - establishment of 6 National/Country Advisory Groups - 3 National Coordinators’ Meetings - 2 Steering Committee Meetings - Progress Reports accepted 3 rd SC meeting, June 13, 2014, Brussels, Belgium
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership TOGETHER AGAINST DISASTERS 3 rd SC meeting, June 13, 2014, Brussels, Belgium