Department of Social Sciences: How to Infuse Civics Skills and Knowledge in Your Social Studies Classroom September 25, 2014
Working with Artifacts in Your Classroom (Access video through Google Chrome)
What is the Social Studies Content for my students? –Grade Level Pacing Guides/Lesson Plans –Civics Integration Lesson Plans civic_integration/SS.3.C.1.1complete-edited.pdf civic_integration/SS.3.C.1.1complete-edited.pdf –5 th Grade Reading Informational Passages Embedded in the Pacing Guide 20Nine%20Weeks.doc 20Nine%20Weeks.doc
Elementary/Secondary Connection
Civics and Elementary Correlations
Lesson SS.3.C.3.1 Identify the Levels of Government, Local, State and Federal Available with other lessons on the Social Sciences Website: socialsciences.dade
Age of Exploration Grades 3-8 Co-relation between Florida Standards and NGSSS-SS LAFS.5.RI.1.3 Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text. LAFS.5.W.1.2 Write informative and explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. LAFS.5.W.1.2d Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. LAFS.5.W.2.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience Explorers Lapbook and Interactive Notebook: A Collaborative Group Activity
NGSSS-SS Content Benchmarks SS.5.G.1.4 Construct maps, charts, and graphs to display geographic information. SS.5.A.1.1 Use primary and secondary sources to understand history. SS.5.G.1.1 Interpret current and historical information using a variety of geographic tools. * This collaborative group activity will answer the following guided question: How can I meet the requirements of the new Florida Standards and NGSSS-SS in my classroom?
Materials Per Group File Folder Copies of mini-books Brass Brads Scissors Glue Textbook, trade book, digital device and any resource related to Age of Exploration Crayons/markers/color pencils
Procedures: Gather all the materials for your group. Divide Tasks 1-9 among your group members. Follow the instructions to complete each given task (1-9) independently. Come together as a group, and compile all the components. Paste/tape each component to its designated area on the folder. Be prepared to share your work with the class.
Lapbook Activity
* Each group will present their finished projects and discuss the following: Collaborative Sharing and Discussion What content areas were integrated in this activity? Where both the Florida Standards and NGSSS-SS addressed in this activity? What forms of assessment can you use to determine student mastery? What would you alter/add/recommend for this activity?
NBC Learn Resource
ATTACHMENT B Issues in Florida Effect on Citizens’ Lives or State Public Issues and Their Effect on Citizens Research different public issues and find the effects that these issues are having on the citizens of Florida and the state as a whole. Complete the chart.
Elementary Pacing Guides/Timelines Elementary Civics Integration Lessons Elementary Programs and Competitions NBC Learn Available through your employee portal Original Videos Digitized News from the NBC Archives Professional Development and Classroom Materials Famous Speeches and Audio Games, Quizes and Puzzles Additional Resources