Adam Jarrah 4/16/08
What is Psystar? Manufactures/sells hardware and software for various business uses (i.e., communication systems, employee management devices, etc.) Recently entered PC market by introducing lower- priced “Open Computers” capable of running Mac OS Leopard.
Product Details Order from online store. Choice of two models: “Open Computer” – retails $555 with, $400 without Leopard. 2.2 GHz Intel processor, 2GB memory, 250 GB HD “Open Pro” – retails $1155 with, $999 without 2.6 GHz processor, 2 GB memory, 750 GB HD
Apple’s Issue Apple claims their OS not legally allowed to be used with any other hardware. Displayed in End User License Agreement (EULA).
Psystar’s Side Argues Leopard purchased legitimately U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision – software publisher prohibited from requiring specific type of hardware.
Bottom Line So far, Psystar hardware proven more cost-effective than Apple. If Apple decides to try to prevent usage, cost to “experimenters” only the cost of new OS ($150).