Unit 3 Chapter 15 God’s Chosen People Enter the Promised Land
Goal for today: Identify the qualities of leadership that Moses and Joshua showed.
Have you ever been, or are you now, in a school organization?
Why does a school organization need a President? A group needs a leader to: Organize things, plans, activities; Help the group carry out plans; Represent the group.
Why would the success of an organization depend on its leader? The leader’s enthusiasm, attitudes, and decisions affect all the members.
Volunteer please to read aloud A TEAM LEADER on page 103.
We need to find God, And he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence… The more we receive in silent prayer the more we can give in our active life. We need silence to touch souls. The essential thing is not what we say, but what God says to us and through us. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)
What are some of the ways Moses showed his leadership during the travels through the desert? He helped organize the tribes into nation; He spoke to God for them; He made decisions based on God’s word and law; He served the people by caring for their needs. He led Israelites through the desert;
Moses received his ______________ from God to be the leader of the Israelites. AUTHORITY What is authority? Authority is the right to, Authority flows from obligation. command require obedience take actions make decisions.
Authority flows from ____________________. OBLIGATION There is authority in the family School Government Church Because there are duties.
God expects all true leaders to use their authority for the ____________ of others. good
God also expects us to _____________ and ___________ those in authority, unless what we are told to do is __________. respect obey sinful
Reflection: How well do I do my duties as a student?
A good leader first is a good ___________. follower The best leaders are the best followers.
To whom did Moses pass on his authority before he died? Joshua How did Joshua show that he was a good follower? When Moses wanted to seize Canaan and the Israelites complained, Joshua was one of the few to support Moses and trust God. God told Moses to appoint Joshua as leader. How did the people know that Joshua was to be their new leader? Moses called Joshua and told him in the presence of people.
What did Moses give to each tribe? A special blessing. Why did God call Moses to Mt. Nebo? God wanted Moses to see the Promised land before he died.
Deuteronomy 34 Then Moses climbed Mount Nebo from the plains of Moab to the top of Pisgah, across from Jericho. There the L ORD showed him the whole land… Deuteronomy 34:4 Then the L ORD said to him, “This is the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when I said, ‘I will give it to your descendants.’ I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it.”
What was Moses’ response when God called him? Moses responded immediately. This is a sign of a good leader --- ONE WHO OBEYS GOD FIRST. What did people do when Moses died? What does the Scripture say about Moses?
7 Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone. 8 The Israelites grieved for Moses in the plains of Moab thirty days, until the time of weeping and mourning was over.
Deuteronomy 34: 10 Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the L ORD knew face to face
Was Moses perfect? Striking the rock twice; What mistakes did he make? Doubting God’s mercy.
Many leaders do not see the results of their efforts. Moses didn’t enter the Promised Land. We should all remember that when we make efforts, we may not see the results, but that OUR GOOD WORK WILL AFFECT THE FUTURE.
Who was chosen to lead the people into the Promised Land? Joshua
Page 104 – Joshua: A Strong and Fearless Leader The Lord told Joshua how to be a good leader. What qualities of a leader did God mention on Joshua 1: 2, 7- 9 (see on page 104)? Being firm and steadfast, caring, fearless
A good leader is one who…….
GOOD QUALITIES OF A LEADER: Obedient to God Enthusiastic & Diligent Truthful / Honest Generous
A leader may not have all these good qualities, but a leader should be respected unless he or she exhibits more bad qualities than good, or commands his or her followers to do sinful things.
Page 104 – Joshua: A Strong and Fearless Leader What happened to Joshua when Moses laid hands on him? He was filled with the spirit of wisdom.
The act of laying on of hands… Is an ancient way of giving blessing (to be filled with the Spirit of God) that could be passed from one person to another. "'The imposition of hands is rightly recognized by the Catholic tradition as the origin of the sacrament of Confirmation, which in a certain way perpetuates the grace of Pentecost in the Church'" (CCC, no. 1288, citing Pope Paul VI, Divinae Consortium Naturae, no. 659).
Page 105 The Promised Land at Last!
Page 105 The Promised Land at Last! / The Battle of Jericho / Victory How were the Israelites able to walk on dry land through the Jordan River? God caused the waters to stop flowing.
Page 105 The Promised Land at Last! / The Battle of Jericho / Victory How can we tell that God was with people when they were conquering Canaan? God guided the Israelites to victory, even though their enemies were superior in number and military strength.
Why was Shiloh important? It was a place of worship and the city where the Ark of the Covenant was kept.
Page 105 The Promised Land at Last! / The Battle of Jericho / Victory What promise did the people make to God after conquering Canaan? We will serve the Lord, our God, and obey his voice.
Page 106 Reaching Heaven In what ways are we like the Israelites? (Israelites) CANAAN (Us)
Page 106 Reaching Heaven In what ways are we like the Israelites? (Israelites) CANAAN (Us) HEAVEN
Page 106 Reaching Heaven In what ways are we like the Israelites? (Israelites) CANAAN (Us) HEAVEN LeaderJOSHUA
Page 106 Reaching Heaven In what ways are we like the Israelites? (Israelites) CANAAN (Us) HEAVEN LeaderJOSHUAJESUS
Page 106 Reaching Heaven In what ways are we like the Israelites? (Israelites) CANAAN (Us) HEAVEN LeaderJOSHUAJESUS How God is present with its people ARK OF THE COVENANT
Page 106 Reaching Heaven In what ways are we like the Israelites? (Israelites) CANAAN (Us) HEAVEN LeaderJOSHUAJESUS How God is present with its people ARK OF THE COVENANTHIS WORD, THE CHURCH, THE EUCHARIST & OTHER SACRAMENTS
Page 106 Reaching Heaven In what ways are we like the Israelites? (Israelites) CANAAN (Us) HEAVEN LeaderJOSHUAJESUS How God is present with its people ARK OF THE COVENANTHIS WORD, THE CHURCH, THE EUCHARIST & OTHER SACRAMENTS Time of formation, testing, and preparation YEARS IN THE DESERT
Page 106 Reaching Heaven In what ways are we like the Israelites? (Israelites) CANAAN (Us) HEAVEN LeaderJOSHUAJESUS How God is present with its people ARK OF THE COVENANTHIS WORD, THE CHURCH, THE EUCHARIST & OTHER SACRAMENTS Time of formation, testing, and preparation YEARS IN THE DESERT LIFE ON EARTH PURGATORY
Page 106 Reaching Heaven In what ways are we like the Israelites? (Israelites) CANAAN (Us) HEAVEN LeaderJOSHUAJESUS How God is present with its people ARK OF THE COVENANTHIS WORD, THE CHURCH, THE EUCHARIST & OTHER SACRAMENTS Time of formation, testing, and preparation YEARS IN THE DESERT LIFE ON EARTH PURGATORY Enemies to be overcomeCANAANITES
Page 106 Reaching Heaven In what ways are we like the Israelites? (Israelites) CANAAN (Us) HEAVEN LeaderJOSHUAJESUS How God is present with its people ARK OF THE COVENANTHIS WORD, THE CHURCH, THE EUCHARIST & OTHER SACRAMENTS Time of formation, testing, and preparation YEARS IN THE DESERT LIFE ON EARTH PURGATORY Enemies to be overcomeCANAANITES
Page 106 Reaching Heaven In what ways are we like the Israelites? (Israelites) CANAAN (Us) HEAVEN LeaderJOSHUAJESUS How God is present with its people ARK OF THE COVENANTHIS WORD, THE CHURCH, THE EUCHARIST & OTHER SACRAMENTS Time of formation, testing, and preparation YEARS IN THE DESERT LIFE ON EARTH PURGATORY Enemies to be overcomeCANAANITESEVIL, SIN, TEMPTATION
Page 106 Reaching Heaven In what ways are we like the Israelites? (Israelites) CANAAN (Us) HEAVEN LeaderJOSHUAJESUS How God is present with its people ARK OF THE COVENANTHIS WORD, THE CHURCH, THE EUCHARIST & OTHER SACRAMENTS Time of formation, testing, and preparation YEARS IN THE DESERT LIFE ON EARTH PURGATORY Enemies to be overcomeCANAANITESEVIL, SIN, TEMPTATION Help from God FOOD, WATER JORDAN RIVER STOPPED WALL OF JERICHO FELL CONQUERED CANAAN
Page 106 We received the guidance and grace of Christ through the representatives on earth. Worksheet : Church Leaders
Previous Lesson on Leadership We received the guidance and grace of Christ through the representatives on earth.
Two goals for today: 1.Do Review Questions 2.Complete the Love Poster. Tomorrow, non-submission, silent lunch.
Page 108 On a paper, answer Chapter Review