Broader ILO Pilot Project (Global Compact and Safety and Health Culture) – July 2004 Overall objective: To establish and implement a National SafeWork action programme in 3 countries based on ILO standards, focusing on occupational health and safety and a pilot implementation of a prevention culture at enterprise level in each partner country.
HIV/AIDS Project Objectives Objective 1: To build organisational capacity to manage HIV/AIDS; Objective 2: To implement effective & sustainable HIV/AIDS workplace programs in 8 supplier companies; Objective 3: To use the SABCOHA toolkit; Objective 4: To train DOL Inspectors in EC in new ILO preventative culture
PARTICIPATING COMPANIES Bel Essex Engineering; Yenza Manufacturing; S&N Rubber; Acoustex; Univel Transmission; Zeus Manufacturing; Schnellecke; Uitenhage Sand Blasting Range in size 25 – 1000 Total Number of employees = 2400
Project Deliverables Training DOL Inspectors Company profiling/assessment report. Project management at company level inc policy review, structure. VCT conducted at each company. Training of: –Senior Management; –Line Management; –Steering Comms/Peer Eds if appropriate; –Coordinator (using Sabcoha toolkit)
Project Timelines Start Date: July 2005, HIV/AIDS component commenced May 2006 End Date: February 2007
Project Target Group 8 supplier companies identified in ILO/ Project –Managers (senior/line) –Coordinator –Peer educators/Steering Committees 30 Labour Inspectors – ILO preventative approach Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage area
Project Activities Company profiling and policy. Cluster Management Training: commitment and buy-in (7 Companies). 2-day Coordinator Training (7 companies) Company level – management sessions, steering committees if necessary. Monitoring & Evaluation systems in place. Two 3-day training sessions Peer Educators 4-day labour inspector training.
Project Partnerships ILO main partner funding the project; VWSA delivering VCT service; Department of Health - testing kits; SABCOHA/Pearl Dynamics - project management & training
Monitoring & Evaluation Company specific M&E indicators (built in). All training evaluated. Project reports. VCT indicators – counseling and testing uptake.
Project Successes Good participation by 7 companies, 4 implementing own operational plans inc policy and IEC; Cluster training completed including: –7 coordinators; –32 peer educators; –16 senior managers; 30 DOL Inspectors trained in new preventative culture – developed check list, DOL wishes to extend training to other EC inspectors.
Reasons for Successes Strong collaborative partnerships; Service provider delivery in short timeframe; Good relationships with top management and coordinators; Tailoring implementation to company needs.
Project Challenges / Difficulties HIV/AIDS component added at end of a broader project; Partners differing focus; “Selection criteria” of companies; No response from 1 company, slow take up from 3 companies; Some lack top management support; VCT kits: health department slow delivery; Production gets preference, postponements from companies.
Reasons for Challenges or Difficulties Limited funding; Lack of clarity on objectives between partners; Partnership not clearly defined upfront; Project managers bought in at a late stage in the project; Push for delivery in tight time frames; M&E could be improved.
Lessons Learnt Need clear strategic objectives; Planning stage crucial; Need to develop relationships with DOH and other stakeholders to greater extent; Selection of participating companies in supply chain needs to be reviewed; Consider purpose of cluster approach; Extend activities beyond company – health care Budget determines extent of intervention.
SCALING UP & SUSTAINABILITY New cluster initiatives – new approach for scaling up with additional elements; SMME include development and wellness aspects for sustainability eg primary health care onsite; PPP on larger scale eg sector specific or provincial for public health services; Scaling up by streamlining processes; Simplify