Powerpoint Templates THE MANOR ACADEMY Stage 1 Curriculum
Powerpoint Templates THE MANOR ACADEMY
Powerpoint Templates THE MANOR ACADEMY Y6 assessments in 2016 will be graded in points from with 100 being 80% and referred to as ‘ready for secondary’. We will get the students score and a list of strengths and weaknesses so we can personalise interventions and curriculum offer from the beginning of Y7.
Powerpoint Templates THE MANOR ACADEMY Stage 1 Flight Path P Pass Pass Merit Distinction
Powerpoint Templates THE MANOR ACADEMY
Powerpoint Templates THE MANOR ACADEMY Electronic marking grid P Pass 0-35 Pass Merit Distinction
Powerpoint Templates THE MANOR ACADEMY Ofsted will focus less on Observations and data, the focus will be on work sampling, student voice, tracking of students progress and rich questioning.
Powerpoint Templates THE MANOR ACADEMY Previous Ofsted speak- What level are you working at? What do you need to do to get a higher grade? Will change to- Where are you currently at in your learning? How is your work marked? How do teachers help you with your learning? Students need to be able to articulate on their learning (QWF reflection and deeper questioning will help students develop their oral skills )
Powerpoint Templates THE MANOR ACADEMY An example from Discovery
Powerpoint Templates THE MANOR ACADEMY They will be looking at the quality of marking- moderation how do teachers agree on what is good formative assessment.
Powerpoint Templates THE MANOR ACADEMY Moderation in Discovery
Powerpoint Templates THE MANOR ACADEMY
Powerpoint Templates THE MANOR ACADEMY Much more focus on regular formative assessment rather than summative testing! Can be project based outcomes that test progress on a range of skills development rather than knowledge driven tests! Ofsted are encouraging schools/ academy chains to work together on standardising/ moderation. A bank of exemplar work would be very useful to show inspectors and use to train new staff as it will not be taught in a standardised way like N/C would have been on teacher training programmes.
Powerpoint Templates THE MANOR ACADEMY Comments made included “constant assessments need to be used formatively” and “dialogue should evoke thoughtful reflection”, “accumulative dialogue makes students think and is the essence of formative assessment”
Powerpoint Templates THE MANOR ACADEMY QWF- Stage 1 Branding
Powerpoint Templates THE MANOR ACADEMY
Powerpoint Templates THE MANOR ACADEMY We must remember N/C is not the school curriculum and we decide what the need is for our students.