Ayer Elementary & Gifted Services Purpose and Focus ◦ Overview of Requirements ◦ Successes and Concerns Continued Journey ◦ Learning and Sharing Opportunities Resources ◦ Materials ◦ Colleagues
Focus on Feedback from Staff Staff Meetings Staff Survey Staff Exit Cards Working hard to find the right instructional match for all children.
Ohio Law Gifted Identification K-12 Gifted Services ◦ District ELO offerings and caseloads Math for a Grade ◦ Subject and Grade Acceleration
Programming for Talent Development: “Levels of Service” I: Services for ALL students – General Differentiation (Ohio Content Standards, Thinking Skills, Learning Styles, Group Projects…) II: Service for MANY students – General Differentiation (projects and groupings based on interest and emerging talents, activities targeting readiness, advanced classes…) III. SOME students-need alternative opportunities – Systematic Differentiation based on learner need ELO Resource Room and Math for a Grade options IV: A FEW students- benefit from services that are highly individualized (Activities planned through careful, detailed assessment of student’s unique characteristics, acceleration, self-contained classes) Acceleration 1997 Center for Creative Learning
ELO Services Grades K-6 consultation Grades 3 and 4 Superior Cognitive Resource Room Grades 5 and 6 Math for a Grade Grades 5 and 6 Math Enrichment Grades 5 and 6 Reading Enrichment
ELO Services Successes and Concerns: Scheduling Formal ELO services beginning in grade 3 Students missing regular classroom time, instruction and work Enrichment vs. Acceleration in ELO Targeted Focus on Content ◦ Math for a Grade
Grouping Effect SizeComment Full time ability grouping0.49Elementary K-6 Regrouping for specific instruction0.79Accelerated differentiated curriculum Cluster Grouping for gifted0.62 Pull-out grouping0.65Academic connected to regular curriculum Pull-out grouping0.44Critical thinking skills focus Pull-out grouping0.32Creative thinking skills focus Within class ability grouping0.34 Mixed ability cooperative groups0 Like ability cooperative groups0.28 Meta-Analysis and Research conducted by Karen Rogers, University of St. Thomas
Acceleration Ohio Policy Types: ◦ Early Entrance ◦ Subject ◦ Grade ◦ Early Graduation FHLSD Procedures and Guidelines
Subject Acceleration Successes and Concerns: Guidelines include comprehensive look at the child which takes time Increase in students being accelerated Building schedules Setting for acceleration (ELO, regular class) Need for continued differentiation of accelerated curriculum Maxing out curriculum in elementary
Subject Acceleration Successes and Concerns: Student’s needs ◦ Academically – pacing, rigor, zone of proximal development, natural tendency to learn ◦ Socially – belonging to groups, peers vs. age mates ◦ Emotionally – experiencing positive frustration, new learning leads to growth, motivation and risk-taking skills
Acceleration Effect SizeComment Grade skipping0.49Academic; no difference on grade level Grade skipping0.31Social growth Early entrance to school0.49 Subject Acceleration0.57 Compacting0.83Math/Science only Compacting0.26Reading/Social Studies Credit for prior learning0.56 Meta-Analysis and Research conducted by Karen Rogers, University of St. Thomas
Continuing the Journey Reflection on concerns to better the system Focus on answering the hard questions and working collaboratively through the “mess” to continue Working hard to find the right instructional match for all children. Learning and Sharing Opportunities
Resources Materials ◦ General Library: Overview of Gifted Children ◦ Curriculum, Extension and Differentiation Ideas Colleagues ◦ Amy Brown and Kat McPeek, ELO Gifted Teachers ◦ Shirley Curtis, Principal ◦ Cary Harrod, Instructional Technology Specialist ◦ Gifted Identification and Acceleration Contact ◦ Connie West, Coordinator of Elementary Programs ◦ ELO Curriculum and Services Contact ◦ Connie Lippowitsch, Curriculum Director ◦ Gifted Policies, Procedures and Parent Contact ◦ Tracy Quattrone, Gifted Coordinator
Next Steps Follow-up Conversations Ticket Out the Door ◦ Additional Questions and/or Comments including the assistance you need