Place your chosen image here. The four corners must just cover the arrow tips. For covers, the three pictures should be the same size and in a straight line. Cross Border Balancing Update NGET and RTE
2 Overview CBB went live on 1 st December 2010 Successfully providing both TSOs with cross border balancing solutions Delivering benefits to energy consumers in both markets Key Aspects: 10 upward prices and 10 downward prices exchanged for every hour by RTE and NGET Total availability of 500MW where capacity allows Uses spare capacity once final profile known Activation of offers and bids close to real-time
3 Overview of CBB trades
4 Accepted Offer Volumes and Average Prices
5 Accepted Bid Volumes and Average Prices
6 Evaluation of impacts on French market of CBB trades
7 Assessment of CBB Arrangements System Operator to System Operator trades predominately in direction France to England The strong correlation between trading volumes and prices on each time period shows that the system actually contributes to enhance Balancing Services procurement in respective areas Impacts of CBB trades are globally positive for French Balancing Responsible Parties Post-event analysis in GB shows that trades have offset more expensive actions, delivering savings to GB consumers