Black Eyed Peas to Poetry Stanza The paragraphs of poetry
Black Eyed Peas to Poetry Line The sentences of poetry Capital letter, end punctuation is optional
Black Eyed Peas to Poetry End rhyme Words with the same end sounds at the end of lines
Black Eyed Peas to Poetry Rhyme Scheme Pattern of end rhymes Roses are red, Violets are blue. You look like a monkey, And you smell like one too!
Black Eyed Peas to Poetry Free verse A poem with no set rhythm or rhyme scheme
Black Eyed Peas to Poetry Repetition When words or phrases are used again and again Refrain- When a whole stanza repeats
Black Eyed Peas to Poetry Alliteration When the beginning sound of words repeats
Black Eyed Peas to Poetry Onomatopoeia Words that sound like sounds
Black Eyed Peas to Poetry Rhythm Pattern of stressed and unstressed sounds in a poem