Harvard Digital Publishing Collaborative Meeting Notes October 2, 2014
Welcome & Purpose The Harvard Digital Publishing Collaborative A Harvard ABCD community dedicated to digital publishing. This group was formed with a focus on how content is authored, produced, secured, and delivered across web- and device-based content platforms. Topics of interest include content and metadata creation/conversion tools and approaches; content authoring platforms, content management and production workflow processes and best practices; content format and metadata specifications; content security models; and content delivery channels and platforms.
Introductions Join officially via ABCD website: Name, Affiliation Specific topics of interest / problems / goals?
Digital Pub website Meeting calendar / meeting notes Articles/events of interest (w/ updates to membership) Send us info to post!
Future Meeting Topics Next meeting: Digital publishing samples. Looking for volunteer presenters. Future meeting topics? Suggestions from an early core group included: Moving a constituency/user group from print to digital Multi-channel publishing DRM Delivery solutions Looking at best practices in ePub to gain a common frame of reference Sharing samples of interactive books -- what are the best in class EPUB3 features Authoring solutions/models
Speakers, Vendors, and Experts Also think about speakers / vendors / experts who could visit with us (in person or virtually): Content Management System vendors / administrators Digital publishing tool / platform / format vendors (Adobe, Apple, O’Reilly) University press production folks Librarians who manage eBook collections Association reps -- International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF), Society for Scholarly Publishing, etc. Content metadata experts / vendors Publishing professionals presenting on a “case study” problem / solution
Membership Non-Harvard attendees – restrictions?
Post-Meeting Networking Interest in convening for happy hour / networking after the bi-monthly meetings? If so, start with 12/4 meeting? How often – after every bi-monthly meeting? Location? Queen’s Head Pub? John Harvard’s?
Next Meeting Thursday 12/4 3:15-4:45 (note later start time) Lamont Library Forum Room Thank you!! Jack & Denis