1 EGTEI Expert Group on Techno-Economic Issues Latest news TFIAM Gothenburg 8-9 December 2005
2 Following decisions taken during the September WGSR meeting Synopsis sheets on cement, glass and petroleum industry have been sent to heads of delegations to the WGSR for comments before endorsement. Comments expected for the end of February 2006 Comments received will be presented at the next EGTEI meeting (Not yet scheduled) TFIAM Gothenburg 8-9 December 2005
3 Definition of priority work with IIASA Large Combustion Plants Small Combustion Plants (commercial and domestic sector) Emerging Technologies Domestic Wood Burning Industrial processes Cement Steel Production Seven priorities identified TFIAM Gothenburg 8-9 December 2005
4 Definition of priority work with IIASA On the very short term, EGTEI and IIASA agreed on the fact that LCPs and Emerging Technologies were the most relevant sectors to focus on. Nevertheless, the work on the other sectors that have been identified must continue, but on a longer term. TFIAM Gothenburg 8-9 December 2005
5 Role of EGTEI in emerging technologies Emerging technologies Need to have an assessment of technologies which could get a certain part of application in 2020 and later and to understand what could be their technical efficiency, their costs and the limitation for penetration (natural replacement rate, for instance). Information regarding power plant sectors, steel plants, chemical industry could be very useful. Emerging Technologies are for IIASA of highest priority and the model could be easily updated to add these new techniques. TFIAM Gothenburg 8-9 December 2005
6 Role of EGTEI in emerging technologies Emerging technologies Most important pollutants are PM and NOx and it is less important to focus on NMVOC. Jean Guy Bartaire will set up a meeting with IIASA, EGTEI, the European Commission, IPTS Seville and some industry experts in order to decide what could be done, or what needs to be done and to determine who could support a study of this type. This meeting will be organised early next year. TFIAM Gothenburg 8-9 December 2005
7 Progress in EGTEI work LCPs > 500 MW Following a meeting with NGOs, it was agreed to check the procedure on two countries the Netherlands and Italy. Small Combustion Plants Italy has undertaken a work on Small Combustion Plants (in the commercial sector) TFIAM Gothenburg 8-9 December 2005