ATLAS EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Outreach meeting 31/01/2012 Outreach Coordinators: Michael Barnett and Steven Goldfarb Outreach Officer: Claudia Marcelloni
S UMMARY D EC 13 TH MEDIA CONFERENCE There were a total of 70 journalists from 50 different outlets from all over the world: BBC News, Science Magazine, Scientific American, Physics World, La Repubblica, Reuters, Associated Press, RAI, O Estado de Sao Paulo, Daily Telegraph, Getty Images, EUROVISION, Keystone, NHK, ARD, The Guardian, Le Figaro, Globo News 3/1/2016 c.marcelloni
S UMMARY D EC 13 TH MEDIA CONFERENCE 3/1/2016 c.marcelloni
S UMMARY D EC 13 TH MEDIA CONFERENCE What was involved in the preparations: List of interviewees, name tags, matching physicists with media in Pump Hall ATLAS collaboration members sitting with BBC, Reuters, AP, other major press to help write / edit articles Material to be released immediately after the talk (in coordination with CMS) Plain English text and Glossary of Terms for the Media Translations by members of the collaboration (Japanese, French, German, Dutch, Portuguese, etc.) on Event displays on CERN CDS and Animated event displays on CDS and Tweeting and Re-Tweeting of news during event (ATLAS / CMS conversations) 3/1/2016 c.marcelloni
S UMMARY D EC 13 TH MEDIA CONFERENCE Plain English text with translation on several languages link to explanation of the mass plot link Interview with Fabiola links to our material: Event Displays, Animations, etc full text of CERN press release 3/1/2016 c.marcelloni
Most Observed Message: Scientists narrow search for Higgs boson - they are on the right track Most Observed Issue: Data not yet conclusive but announcement in 2012 is likely Most Negative Message: Arguments over use of term ‘The God particle’ Total Volume:1910 Very Positive:10.41% Positive:10.36% Neutral:68.17% Poor: 6.49% Negative: 4.55% Circulation:629,337,259 AVE:€112,156,338 Key Metrics – Overall (Global)
Mentions by Tonality Higgs boson 2011 (global) CERN
Key Take Away Points The announcement strategy was a success given the objectives to manage expectations about certainty, and the context required to understand the announcement at all. The reporting did convey the facts that the Atlas and CMS results had narrowed the possibility of detecting the Higgs’ decay signature to areas consistent with theory, and that further results would make it possible to have a more conclusive announcement in 2012 Having twice caught the general public’s attention with announcements in 2011 CERN has a unique opportunity to cement the role of ‘big science’ in a context which will retain broad public support – but it needs to demonstrate its awareness that its global audience does often not understand the language of physics and be prepared to help bridge this gap as a means to manage expectation. One thing is certain; CERN has entered the public mainstream to a degree unmatched by any other scientific institution – a fact with both positive and negative potential going forward.
ichep – Melbourne – Australia Plans for Outreach activities about the LHC with focus on the ATLAS Experiment The main organizers are members of Melbourne Uni. Geoff Taylor, Caroline Hamilton and Dief Alexander List of activities Press conference Public lectures Masterclasses organized by IPPOG members Teacher event organized by PH-EDU An exhibition at the Museum Victoria ( which will include: 3/1/2016 c.marcelloni
ichep – Melbourne – Australia Activities at the Victoria Museum 1) Control room – interactive Avion ( Camelia ( Hunt for the Higgs by the London Science Museum 2) Big Projection screen - ATLAS Outreach Live channel looping Outreach materialu Live Collision events from LHC : 3) Long Wall space - Printed panels with general info on particle physics, LHC and the experiments 4) LEGO area items: BIG LEGO MODEL - Sasha 1 screen showing the construction of the ATLAS detector: 1 screen showing the construction of the ATLAS LEGO which will be done by the Victoria LEGO users group 5) Possible Events: "Mini Masterclasses" with Camelia Virtual Visits with live webcast from the ATLAS control room: Sasha teaching how to build "smaller ATLAS models" Plans are for the DG attend and talk at one or more of these venues 3/1/2016 c.marcelloni
Action a.4 - Social Media Blog BLOG: A direct, personal link between ATLAS physicists and the public. Content to publish: info about published papers, conferences and life in the collaboration Content Structure: Bloggers can be regular or one time only; Each blog will be followed by a line about the author Regular bloggers will get their full bio on the site, and will appear in a side column where readers can click through to a list of all their posts Each blog post will appear in English, with an option to view it in the writer’s own language, if such a version was submitted Written by: members of the ATLAS collaboration Edited by: Outreach team Frequency: about two posts per week. Link: WE ARE CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR 6 FREQUENT BLOGGERS TO CONTRIBUTE TO ONE BLOG/MONTH FOR 3 MONTHS. 3/1/2016 c.marcelloni
Latest blogs Heavy Ion time by Aaron Angerami Joining forces in the search for the Higgs – report during last HCP conference by Kétévi Assamagan The longest shift of the year by Steven Goldfarb 3/1/2016c.marcelloni
A place to promote not only our progress on the physics results but also Outreach efforts of other members of ATLAS; Ex. The ATLAS Lego by postdoc, at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen 3/1/2016c.marcelloni
Action a.4 - Social Media Twitter Twitter stats over the period of 3 months: we have Followers! 3/1/2016 c.marcelloni
V IRTUAL V ISITS New Web Interface Introduction List of Technical Requirements Trailer Webcast / Recording for Each Event Links to Home Page, Other Material Usage of Vidyo for Video Conference Simpler Than EVO Just Need IP of System to Join People Joining on Web Just Need Link New Webcast as 3 rd Person Split Screen of Host / Guests Next visit - Kurushetra at Anna University, Chennai, India. There will be a few hundred students and public on hand. 21 June 2011 S. Goldfarb 16
W ILLIAM F LOYD H IGH S CHOOL 21 June 2011 S. Goldfarb 17
W ORLD S CIENCE F AIR, NYC 21 June 2011 S. Goldfarb 18
3/1/2016 c.marcelloni
ATLAS cavern – Visits The visits to the ATLAS cavern on January 2 nd to February 27 th will amount to a total of 260 visits of up to 10 people each; the media list are: NHK BBC Horizon Kim Steele (NY Times, et al.) Scientific American German National Radio, Deutschlandfunk Nature Tim Philp (Canadian Journalist) Spanish Journalists preparing for release of QuanticLove Science et Vie Steve Elkins (film director) Bonnie Carlson (journalist for U.S. Mission) Mike Paterson (Colliding Particles film) ARTE Sixty Symbols 3/1/2016 c.marcelloni
ATLAS VISITOR CENTRE Three Phases Phase I: Renewal of Existing Visitor Centre (In Progress) Phase II: Path Between Globe and AVC (Planning Stages) Phase III: Complete Renewal of AVC Coordinated with CERN EDU Renewal of CERN Visits Itinerary 3/1/2016 c.marcelloni
PHASE I R ENEW OF AVC Reparation/Replacement of Existing Tools/Games New power point presentation shall be available soon New version of 3D movie New web site in the collaboration page WE NEED GUIDES 3/1/2016 c.marcelloni
PHASE II G LOBE -ATLAS PATH PROJECT The Globe-ATLAS Path Project will complement the Visitor Centre by providing a focus on the physics through interaction with real parts of the detector. It will be located on a plot of land connecting the Visitor Centre with the garden of CERN's Globe of Science, and will: 1. Provide a covered path that allows fluid passage in both directions 2. Exhibit real parts of the detector (including a1:1 mock up of the inner detector) in a fascinating and interactive way 3/1/2016 c.marcelloni
T HE SITE AVAILABLE 3/1/2016 ATLAS Garden Project Team 24
R EQUIREMENTS The exhibit should: Create a harmonious connection between the Globe and the ATLAS Visitor Centre; Favor usage of sustainable materials and renewable energy; Be robust and easy to maintain; Be coherent whether viewed before the ATLAS Visitor Centre, afterwards or on its own; Provide an online extension for continuation of the visit; Provide a clear view of the mural located on the wall of SX1. 3/1/2016 ATLAS Garden Project Team 25
T HEMES 1. The Big Questions 2. Introduction to ATLAS 3. LHC 4. Quantum World 5. Interactive Area 6. Data Analysis 3/1/