Birds Classification and Characteristics
Bird Characteristics Feathers/flight- made of keratin proteins, very light and strong
Beaks- various shapes and sizes, very light and strong
Thin skulls and hollow bones- weight saving
Oviparous/one ovary- weight saving Keen eyesight- for finding prey and mates
Advanced lungs with air sacs
Communication- finding mates and establishing territory Migratory behavior- move around in response to food availability
Kingdom Animalia Heterotrophic Multicellular Motile
Phylum Chordata Dorsal nerve cord
Class Aves Feathers
Order Anseriformes Wildfoul Ducks, geese
Order Ciconiiformes Storks, Ibises, Herons, Egrets Usually wading birds
Order Pelecaniformes Pelicans, Cormorants, Frigatebird Seabirds with flexible throat pouches
Order Cathartiformes Vultures Birds of prey that often feed on carion.
Order Accipitriformes Hawks, Osprey, Eagles Large, hooked bill, talons
Order Charadriformes Gulls, Plovers, Stilts, Avocets Wading and shorebirds that often migrate long distances
Order Columbiformes Doves, Pigeons Medium sized, large bodied, often feed off of the ground
Order Piciformes Woodpeckers Zygodactyl feet for climbing and perching
Order Coraciformes Kingfishers Some perch over water and dive for prey All nest in holes of some type
Order Passeriformes Cardinals, Sparrows, Jays, Starlings, Mockingbirds, etc. Four unwebbed toes with three facing forward and one backward