Stereometric photographs Clever algorithms + serious computing power Starling flocks3-D reconstruction of starling flocks
Couzin model (and many others is metric Topological distance is rank order Metric vs. topological difference… what’s that?
Nearest neighbor 10 th nearest neighbor v
n c = interaction range where (n) falls to 1/3 Anisotropy factor tells you how non-uniform the spatial distribution of birds is. Measures the direction of minimal crowding ( W ) relative to flock velocity ( V ) averaged over all birds For isotropic case ncnc
Slope of this line = Sparseness for clock Slope of this line = Sparseness for clock r ~ r 1 n 1/3
Start with: 1. Metric: r c = constant 2. Topological: n c = constant r c ~ r 1 n c 1/3 n c -1/3 ~ r 1 r c ~ r 1
Survey says… only topological hypothesis supported
Ballerini et al. Interaction ruling animal collective behavior depends on topological rather than metric distance: Evidence from a field study, PNAS, vol. 105 no. 4, 2008,