Create a Candy Bar Ryan Beran
Product Information The Laffy Bar™ – A 5” long, 1.5” wide, ¾ “ tall candy bar – Made from Laffy Taffy Skittles Laffy Taffy Hard Candies – Bar-like candy with original Laffy Taffy soft candy wrapping
Product Benefits Satisfying taste You can eat it
Product Demographics First introducing in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico All stores that sell candy – Marketed more toward children – Any gender or income – The health concerned will not purchase this product Laffy Bar™ has a lot of sugars
Product Pricing Penetration Pricing – $1 per bar – A box of 12 for $6 Why? – Long-lasting – Good tasting – At a cheap price Pricing strategy used to sell as many as possible while turning a small profit
Advertisements TV ads on channels relating to the target market – PBS, Cartoon Network, etc Package in a sample to other Laffy Taffy products Billboards, signs, and posters Word of mouth
Selling Methods Payable by – Cash Also – Credit/debit cards depending on the place your buying it from Can be sold anywhere food is sold – Stores, gas stations, etc
Points of Difference There are no ‘candy’ candy bars – Product stays away from the typical chocolate – Nice change of pace Long-lasting candy bar Many different flavors – Including a line of sour, tropical, and original flavors