7Px 27 Poutū-Te-Rangi 2015 What we will do What we will learn Continue with the mass- spring OR pendulum practical using our new skills How to take an assessment all the way through If time, move on to another practical What a bifilar pendulum is and how to use one Find the relationship between string separation and period How to use our skills on a new device.
No. of marks What for 1 Having sketches and FULL working 1 Neat presentation and down-page format 1 Answer underlined and units given 1 Self marked and all correct – eventually 1 In on time and signed for (“This is my own work”…….) Total A mark out of five that will contribute to the “homework” grade in the reports
HW item Skills practiced Nukes – Units 4 and 5 Due Thurs 5 th of March 2015 The Photoelectric effect Photocurrent Nukes – Unit 6 Due Fri 6 th Mar 2015 Nuclear Reactions and Mass-Energy Conservation Prac – Units 1 and 3 Due Fri 13 th of March 2015 Uncertainties Prac – Unit 2 Due Fri 27 th of Mar 2015 Graphical analysis of data Uncertainties on graphs (error bars AND lines)
4. To draw the error bars for both the dependent variable and the transformed variable, click the chart to pop up the green “+”, then tick “error bars”, error bars appear at the data point. Click any vertical error bar, then follow the arrow towards the right to open a selection list, choose “more options…” to open “Format Error Bars” window. Tick “both” from direction, “No Cap” from “End Style”, and “Custom” from “Error Amount”. Click “Specify Value” from the bottom corner to pop up a small window to select uncertainties. Select the absolute uncertainties of the dependent variable for both “Positive Error Value” and ”Negative Error Value” from the same column of the uncertainties of the dependent variable to determine the size of vertical bars. Then click any horizontal error bar and repeat the process to select the uncertainties of the transformed variable for the horizontal error bars.