1 The comparisons between with and without JES uncertainty. jet with pt > 30 GeV, |eta| 40. Jet Y is calculated by 0.5*log[(E+pz)/(E-pz)] CMS Data.


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Presentation transcript:

1 The comparisons between with and without JES uncertainty. jet with pt > 30 GeV, |eta| 40. Jet Y is calculated by 0.5*log[(E+pz)/(E-pz)] CMS Data

2 Di-muon pT and Rapidity Y μμ pT μμ Z + exclusive 1jet events

3 Leading Jet pT and Rapidity pT jet Y jet Z + exclusive 1jet events

4 Rapidity Sum and Difference between Z and Jet 0.5*(YZ+Yjet) 0.5*(YZ-Yjet) Z + exclusive 1jet events

5 Rapidity Sum and Difference between Z and Jet 0.5*(YZ+Yjet) Ranges JES up Relative Values JES Down Relative Values %0.3% %-0.3% %-0.3% %-0.2% %-0.5% %-0.4% %0.01% %0.08% %0.06% %0.2% % 0.5*(YZ-Yjet) Ranges JES up Relative Values JES Down Relative Values %-0.4% %-0.1% %-0.3% %-0.3% %-0.2% %0% %-0.2% %0% %-1% %-0.7% %

6 Jet Eta Vs Jet Y

7 The comparisons of Jet Energy Resolution. jet with pt > 30 GeV, |eta| 40. Jet Y is calculated by 0.5*log[(E+pz)/(E-pz)] MADGRAPH

8 Di-muon pT and Rapidity Y μμ pT μμ Z + exclusive 1jet events

9 Leading Jet pT and Rapidity pT jet Y jet Z + exclusive 1jet events

10 Rapidity Sum and Difference between Z and Jet 0.5*(YZ+Yjet) 0.5*(YZ-Yjet) Z + exclusive 1jet events

11 Rapidity Sum and Difference between Z and Jet 0.5*(YZ+Yjet) Ranges JER up Relative Values JER Down Relative Values %3.8% %4.2% %3.6% %3.8% %4.5% %4.1% %5.6% %3.5% %4.7% %2.0% %5.0% %1.4% 0.5*(YZ-Yjet) Ranges JER up Relative Values JER Down Relative Values %4.4% %4.7% %4.3% %3.6% %3.1% %3.0% %2.6% %-3.2% %0.1% %-4.8% %-9.6% N/A

12 Jet Eta Vs Jet Y