394 Data ValSkim Validation JetMET DQM and Validation Group.


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Presentation transcript:

394 Data ValSkim Validation JetMET DQM and Validation Group

Jet Pt Spectrum – Run Top (394), Bottom (392). # of entries -0.03% wrt 392 # of entries -7.8% wrt 392 # of entries -0.3% wrt 392

Cont’d ~2500 (13.3%) events in Pt= GeV/c of the endplug PF jet Pt plots from 392. Considering this, 7.8% jet yield reduction in the endplug corresponds to about 2-3% jet pt reduction in 394. We are expecting ~10% energy reduction in HE, and the PF Neutral Hadron Fraction changes from 10% to 40% in ranges of |eta| from 1.3 to 3.0 (PFT , Fig 11). The observation appears consistent with the expectation.