Xtal Calorimeter with Fiber Readout work by diploma student Ralph Dollan (HU) Achim Stahl DESY Zeuthen 10.Oct.2003 LumiCal BeamCal
Detector Concept segments of heavy crystals individual fiber readout for every crystal segment Expectations: excellent energy resolution excellent timing reasonable segmentation small Molière radius (?)
Test Setup Cosmic Telescope Alternative: Ru-Source
Calibration of PMTs PMT LED
Lightyield Measure Lightyield with plastic scintillator Compare fiber readout vs. direct readout
Lightyield fiber readout direct readout ~ 25 %
Cross Talk How much light do fibers see from other crystals fiber painted with black paint
Cross Talk cosmics ? but ….
Outlook complete cross talk studies test fiber readout for Čerenkov radiator investigate heavy crystals try APD readout build larger array but..… Ralph will finish end of this year no further man-power available
PMT - Calibration