Extract the partial rates We can make fits to the partial decay rates to extract (1) normalization f + (0)|V cx | (2) Form factor shape parameters r 1 and r 2 (or just r 1 ) for series M pole for simple pole α for modified pole r for ISGWII Assuming | V cd |= (CKM unitarity) 1 σ bands (stat and syst) by FNAL-MILC-HPQCD Introduction Fits to the U Distributions D Tagging at 3770 MeV Summary Form factors as a stringent test of LQCD |V cs | and |V cd | Results Bo Xin, Ian Shipsey, Purdue University, CLEO Collaboration Improved measurements of D meson semileptonic decays to π and K mesons Goals of CLEO-c semileptonic decay analysis program To provide validation and calibration data for LQCD and other theoretical approaches thereby enabling theory (especially LQCD) to be applied to B physics (|V ub |). To measure |V cs | and |V cd | with a validated theory We have perform an analysis using CLEO-c’s final data set to meet these goals Most precise branching fraction determinations for D Ke + and D πe + Stringent test of LQCD calculations of semileptonic form factors. D Ke +, D πe + form factors are found to be in general agreement with LQCD. Best direct measurement of |V cs |, measured to ±1.1%(experimental) ± 10%(theory). |V cd | is measured to ±3.1%(experimental) ± 10%(theory). D K/πe + Branching fractions Standard D Tags (Tag): One D in the event is fully reconstructed in a hadronic decay mode, the second D decays semileptonically The three charge +2/3 quarks and three charge -1/3 quarks change identity via the weak interaction with a probability proportional to the elements of the 3x3 unitary Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix. These nine elements are related to four fundamental parameters of the standard model of particle physics and must be determined by experiment. Semileptonic decays are the principal process for measuring the CKM matrix elements Strong interaction effects are confined to the hadronic current and are parameterized by form factors in massless lepton limit For P to P transitions The theory must predict the absolute normalization of the form factors: As |V cd | and |V cs | are tightly constrained by the unitarity of the CKM matrix. Measurements of charm semileptonic decay rates and form factors rigorously test the theory (e.g. LQCD) Validated theory can then be applied to B decays to determine |V ub |, which is the one of the most poorly known CKM matrix elements from fits to M bc from fits to U Pure DD, zero additional particles, ~5-6 charged particles per event ~6.6x 10 5 D 0 and ~4.8 x 10 5 D + tags reconstructed from ~5.4 x 10 6 DD events We tag ~20% of the events, compared to ~0.1% of B’s at the Y(4S) 818 pb (full data set) World’s largest data set at GeV (ρ, η) ~|V ub | Δm d,s l B l D HQS Suffer from large theory uncertainty Moriond 09 We perform binned likelihood fits to U distributions in each q 2 bin and tag mode Signal shapes are taken from signal MC, smeared with double Gaussians Background shapes are taken from MC with all DD and non-DD decays 4 of 27 U fits S/N~300/1 Signal events~14000 U resolution~10 MeV q 2 resolution~0.008 GeV 2 /c 4 4 of 54 U fits 4 of 42 U fits 4 of 21 U fits S/N~40/1 Signal events~1400 U resolution~10 MeV q 2 resolution~0.008 GeV 2 /c 4 For semileptonic D : U peaks at zero for real semileptonic decays An absolute measurement, independent of the integrated luminosity and number of D mesons in the data sample Precision measurements from BABAR/Belle/CLEO-c. CLEO-c most precise. Theoretical precision lags experiment. 1 σ bands (stat and syst) by FNAL-MILC- HPQCD Modified pole model used to compare with LQCD Form factor measures probability hadron will be formed Assuming | V cs |= (CKM unitarity) α : CLEO-c prefers smaller value for shape parameter than other experiments f + (0): experiments (1.2%) consistent with LQCD (10%) CLEO-c is most precise. Theoretical precision lags. α : CLEO-c measurements are compatible with LQCD f + (0): experiments (2.9%) consistent with LQCD (10%). CLEO-c is most precise. Theoretical precision lags. arXiv: (accepted PRD Jul ) arXiv: (accepted PRD Jul ) CLEO-c: the most precise direct determination of |V cs | * CLEO-c: νN remains most precise determination * PDG2002 The data determine |V cs(d) |f + (0). To extract |V cs(d) |, we combine the measured |V cs(d) |f + (0) values using the Becher-Hill parameterization with (FNAL-MILC-HPQCD) for f + (0) * * PDG2002 THEORY UNCERTAINITY REMOVED * PDG2002 * The uncertainties on our results are dominated by uncertainties from LQCD Theoretical precision lags. In particular, CLEO-c measures form factor normalizations for D Ke +, D πe + to 1% and 3%, respectively, while LQCD predicts them at 10% level. We are eagerly awaiting more precise LQCD calculations of semileptonic form factors CLEO-c Now CLEO-c full data set + 3-4% theory uncertainties Plots by Sebastien Descortes-Genon & Ian Shipsey See also talk by Descotres-Genon at joint BABAR-Belle-BESIII-CLEO-c Workshop 11/07, Beijing