A 2000 year controversy Ishmael and Isaac
This study on Galatians is currently the book we are looking at in the men’s group that meets on Thursday night. As they could affirm to you, we are learning some truths that are hard to keep quiet. So for the next couple months we want to share these with you. You ask why this book? Because it creates great assurance in our hearts based on Christ alone. Assurance leads to joy and joy leads to holiness.
Why this letter was written? 1. These churches were founded on Paul’s 1 st missionary journey. (Act 13) 2. After Paul left, false professors of the faith came in and were beginning to undermine everything Paul stood for. 3. First they undermined Paul’s authority. 4. Then began to mess up the teachings of Grace. 5. So he wrote this book.
Who were these troubling ones? 1. They were the same ones from (Acts 15:1; Philippians 3:1-6; Romans 2:17-3:8) What did they teach? -Salvation by belief in Jesus plus the doing of good works, with a big emphasis on circumcision. - Law keeping for sanctification
- Acceptance with God meant being identified with them and the Mosaic covenant. - They must have had some token assent to Jesus, otherwise they couldn’t of gained a following.
Overview of Galatians Chapters 1,2 Paul defends that he is an Apostle and that his gospel was not his invention. Chapters 3,4 Law and Grace cannot co- exist. Grace was way before Moses and it cannot be changed. Sanctification/holiness is not gained by keeping the law but by the Spirit.
Chapters 5,6 Paul shows what the Spirit can produce, apart from the works of the law. Christian liberty is explained in detail.
6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon (only 6 months) Note; Acts 15 = 50AD 6 Gal written 49AD First journey Paul is in Antioch (Acts 13:1) from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, (different= eteros which means totally different and not the same) 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. (Spiritual attack with emotional trauma often comes in the form of religious rigor or zeal. See Acts 15:24) 7 Let’s stop here and look through the book of Galatians to see what the “grace gospel” looks like and what the “different gospel” looks like.