Knowledge Connections Definition Picture Term Vocabulary Caudillos
Essential Question What challenges faced the newly independent nations of South America?
Who was San Martin? In 1810, JOSE DE SAN MARTIN freed Argentina from Spanish rule He then continued on into Chile
Who was Simon Bolivar? Meanwhile, SIMON BOLIVAR was leading revolts in… EcuadorVenezuelaColombia
Did they ever work together? In Peru… San Martin and Bolivar joined forces to crush the Spanish Army
What was the result? By the end of 1824, nearly all of South America had successfully revolted and won independence These new nations hoped to change their governments by building democracies Independence 1824
Were there any problems? These new governments faced many challenges… A large gap between rich and poor Most power was held by a small group of landowners For example:
What was the biggest issue? One of the biggest problems were CAUDILLOS Dictators who ruled by military force Strong leaders came to power during this time and made it hard for democracy and prosperity In an attempt to maintain power, they did little to help the poor
Essential Question What challenges faced the newly independent nations of South America?
Challenges Facing South America