HW5: Global Attitudes Welcome to HW #5. This site contains the instructions and reference information you will need for the activity. Answers may not be submitted electronically. Answer the questions on paper and turn in the assignment in class on the due date.
The Pew Global Attitudes Project is a worldwide survey of public opinion. In 2002, more than 38,000 people in 44 countries were asked to assess the quality of their own lives, their level of optimism about their lives in the next 5 years, and to rank problems faced by themselves and their countries.
survey survey In this exercise, you are asked to review the results of this survey and to prepare several graphs summarizing the results. survey You will examine results in the same countries that we studied in Unit 2: the United States, Canada, Germany, India and Angola.
1.What fraction of people surveyed in each country expressed satisfaction with their own lives? 2.What fraction of people surveyed in each country report that they are unable to afford food? 3.What fraction of people in each country cite the following as a very big problem in their country: –Poor drinking water –Crime –AIDS and disease 4.What fraction of people in each country believe that the following is the greatest danger facing the world today: –Nuclear weapons –AIDS and infectious diseases 5.What fraction of people surveyed in each country are optimistic that their lives will improve in the next 5 years? 6.Compare the general agreement on questions 4 and 5 throughout all countries in Africa and Europe. For questions 1-5, please construct graphs, for question 6, provide a discussion which supports your findings.
References Image 1 retrieved from galore.com/globes.htmlhttp:// galore.com/globes.html Image 2 retrieved from press.org/reports/display.php3?ReportID=165http://people- press.org/reports/display.php3?ReportID=165 Image 3 retrieved from Pew World Attitudes Website from press.org/reports/display.php3?ReportID=165http://people- press.org/reports/display.php3?ReportID=165