Title III Application Process Maria Garcia-Morales (717) Title III Program Manager Pennsylvania Department of Education Division of Federal Programs
Questions Regarding Allocation, Application, Timeline and eGrants System Please contact: Your Regional Coordinator at the Division of Federal Programs (717)
Title III-Updates 151 LEA’s have not yet applied for Title III –Most received less than $10,000 allocation LEA’s that have not yet applied and received less than $10,000 allocation must: –1) Join a consortium to accept the funds OR –2) Decline Title IIII funds –Send an to your Regional Coordinator
Allocations Allocations provided in June 2007 are Final Title III Allocations. Title III Allocations will not change for Allocations Immigrant per pupil $544 LEP per pupil $198
2007/2008 -New Data Collection Required by USDE For all LEA’s that received Title III for LEA’s must keep track of the impact of Professional Development activities used with Title III funding See attachment for specific information Data will be collected by the end of September –Penn link will be sent to address specific timeline and where to complete the PD data.
Title III Application The electronic application is on the Division of Federal Programs eGrants System. Must print and mail signed application to PDE. Start date is the data the authorized officer signs the application or the date received in the Division of Federal Programs, the later of these two.
Title III Allocations for Title III Allocations will be based on the numbers taken from the PIMS system entered by each LEA. Date when the data will be drawn will be announced via Penn link. LEA’s will be responsible for the accuracy of the numbers entered.
Application Timeline eGrants application opened for entry *June 1 Preliminary allocations available on the Division of Federal Programs website *June 1 Final allocations available from USDE *N/D Application submit button activated *June 1 Application due date *July 1 Application deadline September 30 * Estimated dates subject to change.
Fiscal Requirements Quarterly Reports –Continued monthly payments –Due on the 10 th working day of January, April, July and October –Submitted on line via the PDE Web Portal/FAI System –Submitted to the Labor, Education Comptrollers Office –Funds will be suspended if quarterly report is not submitted by due date.
Fiscal Requirements (Contd.) Final Expenditure Reports (FER) –Closes projects by reporting that funds have been expended in compliance with the approved budget. –Due as soon as the project funds are spent but no later than 30 days after the termination of the project. –Completed online through the e-Grants System –Final budget must match expenditures on the FER
Monitoring of Title III Title III is part of the Division of Federal Programs’ (DFP) Consolidated Program Review. Monitoring is conducted on a 3 year cycle. - Schedule is available on the Division on Federal Programs website. - Consortium lead is monitored with follow up visit to one or two of the consortium district.
Determining Allocations for LEP Funding Funding is determined by the number of LEP students reported to PDE on the PIMS SYSTEM. Allocations are based on a per LEP student amount. All LEAS must complete the PIMS SYSTEM regardless of their intent to apply for Title III funds.
Determining Allocations for Immigrant Children and Youth Funding A discretionary allocation is given to LEAs with an increase in immigrant children. Formula to determine the immigrant allocation is prescribed by USDE. LEAs that receive an immigrant allocation must use these funds for immigrant children.
Appropriate Use of Immigrant Funding Activities that provide enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youth. Support for personnel, including teacher aides specifically trained (or are being trained) to provide services to immigrant children and youth. Supplemental instruction services.
Appropriate Use of Immigrant Funding Continued Other instructional services designed to assist children to achieve in elementary and secondary schools in the U.S. Activities coordinated with community- based organizations, institutions of higher education, private sector entities or other entities to assist parents by offering comprehensive community services.
Restrictions The LEA may use up to 2% of their allocation for administrative costs. Regardless of the LEA’s State approved indirect cost rate, administrative costs may not exceed 2%. Although the eGrants System may show a higher allowable indirect cost rate, it may NOT exceed 2%.
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