Adolescence in Society
Terms Adolescence: period between normal onset of puberty and beginning of adulthood. Puberty: physical maturing that makes an individual capable of sexual reproduction. Puberty occurs in ALL humans and societies. Adolescence is NOT universal… some societies go from childhood to adulthood with no transition.
Adolescence in the United States Is definitely a stage of life Occurs between the ages of on average. Has a general affect on future of groups and individuals.
Factors that developed adolescence in the United States Education: mandatory to at least 16 in every state. Exclusion from workforce: child labor laws prevent kids from working legally until 14 or 15. Juvenile justice system: separate legal status
Biological Growth & Development Puberty occurs biologically so all humans are affected. Growth spurts in height and weight Development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics. Changes in complexion; voice; physical appearance.
Anticipatory Socialization Learning the rights, obligations, and expectations of a role to prepare for assuming that role in the future. Examples: playing “house” as a child… “cops and robbers” etc. For adolescence… clubs, part-time jobs, sports, and dating are anticipatory socialization.
Teenagers and Dating Dating: meeting of people as a romantic engagement. Courtship: dating with the express purpose of marriage in the future. Dating continuum: a continuum of casual dating, steady dating, courtship, engagement, and marriage. Homogamy: marry people who have social characteristics similar to your own.
Purpose of Dating Entertainment (casual dating) Mechanism for socialization (Learning appropriate roles and behaviors) Fulfills psychological needs such as companionship Helps to attain status Spouse selection (later stages)
Dating Patterns (norms) Roles and responsibilities: males asked out females… paid for date expenses. Female is responsible for her manners and behavior. Contemporary dating have no set stages. E-dating is more and more popular; very different from traditional dating styles.