GeographyCulture ClimateCapitals History End
What major body of water is on the eastern coast of Belize? 1) Belize RiverBelize 2) Caribbean SeaCaribbean Sea 3) Pacific OceanPacific Ocean Next End
Which Latin American country has one of the most diverse Weather systems in the world? 1) MexicoMexico 2) PeruPeru 3) Haiti) Haiti Next End
What is the capital of Brazil? 1) BrasiliaBrasilia 2) San JuanSan Juan 3) LimaLima End next
Being a territory of the United States, this country’s Culture is a mix of four cultures; African, Amerindian, Spanish, and North American. 1)MexicoMexico 2)Costa RicaCosta Rica 3)Puerto RicoPuerto Rico End next
In which country did Christopher Columbus land in 1502? 1)BelizeBelize 2)MexicoMexico 3)Costa RicaCosta Rica End next
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Lisa Emery Jackie Arrowood All country flags were obtained through