By: Tyson Ellison
Peruvian architecture is a conjunction of European styles It was affected by the independence war. Music is an amalgamation (cannot pronounce word) of sounds and styles.
The 2 nd highest railway in the world was the former Ferro Carril in Peru In 1955 a spur line opened from La cima to a volcan mine. The Pan American Highway runs the country from North to south.
Peru has over 1,800 species 500 are animal species (including 100 threatened) In the last 30 years, scientists have discovered 42 new Peruvian birds
Lima is the capital, and largest city in Peru It has 9,000,000 people, making it the most populous in Peru, and the 5 th largest in both Americas It was founded May 12 th, 1551 In Lima a bridge is Held together by Egg whites!
The combination of tropical latitude, mountains, topography variations, and 2 ocean currents give Peru a large diversity of climates. The rainiest months are Jan. thru March The whole rain season is Oct. thru April
The Peru flag was adopted by Peru’s government in Flag day is celebrated on June 7 th in Peru, the anniversary of the battle of Airica.