Organizing your day Ms.Perez
Bell ringer What do all of these things have in common?
Our day in this class Go over organize your day notes True Colors assessment How does your color affect the way you organize your time Organize your day worksheet
Why organize your day?
Reasons to organize your day 1. Allows you to finish what you need to do 2. Give you more time for what you want to do
How to organize your day 1. Locate time wasters Examples: Facebook, T.V., texting,, looking for lost things, etc What are some of your time wasters?
How to organize your day 2. Set your daily goals Small/short term goals or long/larger term goals Wants vs. needs Set goals the night before
How to organize your day 3. Make a to-do list each day Include things you need to do to reach your goal Set priorities or put the most important days first Decide how long each job will take
How to organize your day 4. To save time Multi-task if possible Don’t put things off Do as much as you can in one trip
How to organize your day 5. Be flexible Organization is to make your life easier, not create more stress
Ms. Perez tries to organize her day 1. Locate time wasters Facebook Texting Talking to people when I don’t have the time Looking for keys
Ms. Perez tries to organize her day 2. Set daily goals Finish lesson plans for next week Lose weight->work out
Ms. Perez tries to organize her day 3. Make to-do list Teach (need) 8-4 Make lesson plans (need) 4-5 Make copies for tomorrow (need) 4th hour Work out (want) 7 Watch recorded RHONJ 7 Go out to dinner (want) 6
Ms. Perez tries to organize her day 4. Save time While working out watching RHONJ
Ms. Perez tries to organize her day 5. Be flexible I did not finish all of the lesson plans for next week, but I did get 1/2 of them done.
Goals in your day Long term goal: Over a year Short term goal: Under a year
True Colors In each row rank words is the LEAST likely 4 is the MOST likely
What do these colors mean?
Orange represents energy, consuming physiological potency, power, and strength feel the will to achieve results, to win, to be successful. They desire all things that offer intense living and full experience. impulse toward active doing: sport, struggle, competition and enterprising productivity.
Gold Represents a need to be responsible, to fulfill duties and obligations, to organize and structure our life and that of others. value being practical and sensible. Believe that people should earn their way in life through work and service to others. Reflects a need to belong through carrying a share of the load in all areas of living. It embraces the concepts of home and family with fierce loyalty and faithfulness.
Green an expression of firmness and consistency. Its strength can lead to a resistance to change if it is not proven that the change will work or is warranted. value their intellect and capabilities above all else. Comfort in these areas creates a sense of personal security and self-esteem. seek to increase the certainty of their own values through being assertive and requiring differences from others in intellectual areas.
Blue represents calm value balance and harmony. They prefer lives free from tension... settled, united, and secure. represents loyalty and a sense of belonging characterized by empathy, aesthetic experiences, and reflective awareness.
Guess their colors!
Time Management with Colors
Organize your day worksheet
Answer of the back of the Organize Your Day worksheet 1. What values did Jon Lester demonstrate? 2. How do you think he made the choice to beat cancer? Do you think he used a decision-making strategy? Which one? 3. What values did Ben Hogan demonstrate? 4. What values did Wilma Rudolph demonstrate? 5. Who influenced these values? 6. What values did Jim Abbott demonstrate? 7. What values did Natalie du Toit demonstrate?
Your turn! Please complete the following worksheet Do before you leave Comic Strip Decision worksheet Organize your day worksheet
Bell ringer What is the most useful information from this unit OR What did you learn so far in this class?
Today Take out the organize your day worksheet Go over bell ringers Quiz Review Review game Go over how to lab plan
Review for Quiz List this: What are the four things that make up a lifestyle?
Answer 1. Where you live 2. Who you live with 3. What do you do for your career/job 4. How you spend your
List this: What are the characteristics of a value
Characteristics of a value 1.Your choice 2.One of several alternative 3.You will stand up for it 4.Demands action 5.Takes time and thought
List this: What are 5 of the values
values discussed Family life Forgiveness Freedom Happiness Health Integrity Honesty Intelligence Justice Knowledge Tradition Trustworthiness Wisdom Career Knowledge Honesty Creativity Education Achievement Recognition Skill Religion Service Truth Wealth
List this: 5 of the common decision making strategies
DestinyAvoidance SpontaneitySecurity ComplianceSynthesis Procrastination Agonizing Intention Inspiration Inertia Desire
List this: Steps in making a decision in the right order
Steps in making a decision 1. Define the decision 2. Check out your options 3. Think each option through 4. Make the choice 5. Stand by your decision
List this: How to organize your day
Steps to organize your day 1. Locate time wasters 2. Set daily goals 3. Make a to-do list 4. Save time 5. Be flexible
Self concept Procrastination Lifestyle Values Make to-do list Define the decision Love
ComplianceEducation IntentionValues IndependenceShort Term Long Term
Scenario Shelly is saving for college because her parents have always told her that college is the ticket to a good future. She is in the top 5% of her class and spends a lot of time volunteering. Based on this description of Shelly and her future plans which values seem important to her?
Select one of those values and describe a behavior of Shelly’s that supports this value.
Describe one of Shelly’s future goals based on this particular value.
TOTD Write down one long term goal Write down one short term goal