Let’s Have A Demonstration We need to have a demonstration in our lives and collective actions we do each Lord’s day.
Demonstration When we use the words: DEMONSTRATE, DEMONSTRATION, OR DEMONSTRATOR today it tends to put a sour taste into our mouths. When we hear these words, especially in recent years, we see in our mind's eye, people with long stringy hair, dirty bodies, dirty clothes, carrying signs, using profane language, making vulgar gestures, and in general just disturbing the peace and tranquility of our society and making a nuisance of themselves. Some times, they do not even know what they are protesting.
Demonstration What would you think or say if I told you that we have come together today to have a demonstration? Webster says: A. DEMONSTRATE=(1) "To point out; portray." (3) "To explain or illustrate, as in teaching, by use of example, etc." (4) "To show or prove publicly" DEMONSTRATION=(1) "An outward expression or display, as of feelings; a manifestation." (3) "A public showing and emphasizing of the salient merits, utility, efficiency, etc., of an article or product." DEMONSTRATOR="One who makes a demonstration; one who or that which demonstrates." 1) Have you ever bought a car that was used as a demonstrator?
Demonstration Paul says: "For none of us liveth to himself, and none dieth to himself." Rom. 14: But every person that lives upon the earth is some kind of a demonstrator. A. We are told that "God demonstrated His love toward us" in the giving of His Son to die on the cross for our sins. Rom. 5:6-8; Jno. 3:16.
A DEMONSTRATION OF LOVE, REVERENCE, OBEDIENCE AND RESPECT. We would hope that every accountable person here, is here for one specific purpose and that is to demonstrate his or her love and respect for God and His Word. Fear God is reverential respect. Obedience is the ultimate form of submission. James tells us to demonstrate in both word and deed. Jas. 1:22.
DEMONSTRATIONS IN OUR WORSHIP. 1. In Bible study -- teachers -- students. 2 Tim. 2: Song service -- leader -- others. Eph. 5:19; Col. 3: Prayers -- leader -- listeners. 1 Cor. 14: The Lord's Supper -- speaker -- distributors -- recipients. 1 Cor. 11: Laying by in store -- as prospered -- with purpose. 1 Cor. 16:1,2; 2 Cor. 9: Listening to and applying the preaching to our lives. 2 Tim. 4:1-4.
ALL ASSEMBLIES PRODUCE OPPORTUNITIES TO DEMONSTRATE. Some demonstrate more favorably to these assemblies than do others. Heb. 10: 25. Whether a person attends the assemblies or not, he is still demonstrating. If he attends and takes part in the assemblies, he is demonstrating his love for the Lord and His church. Thereby, he expresses publicly his desire that such assemblies are important to him and he wants such to continue. But if he does not attend regularly, he is demonstrating his lack of love for the Lord and His church. And thereby, he is saying or demonstrating that he does not care whether such assemblies continue or not.
EVERYDAY LIFE PRODUCES MANY OPPORTUNITIES TO DEMONSTRATE One person may live in such a way as to demonstrate that Christ is living in him. 1 Pet. 1:13-16; Gal. 2:20. Another person may so conduct himself as to demonstrate against Christ and His cause. Phil. 3: Jesus said, "He that is not with me is against me, and he that gathereth not with me scattereth." Matt. 12:30. In all the activities of life, could we not say "By their demonstrations (by their fruit) ye shall know them?" Matt. 7:16-20.
DEMONSTRATIONS ARE NOT ONLY FOR CHRISTIANS. People of the world, those that have never obeyed the gospel of Christ, are also demonstrating every day. Some are demonstrating their total lack of morals. By their speech, dress, and lascivious activities. By their blasphemous words with respect to that which is high and holy. Some are demonstrating their disrespect for the laws and rulers of the land. No person can demonstrate his disrespect for the law and lawmakers of the land, and still claim to respect God and His rule.
THE RIGHT KIND OF DEMONSTRATIONS. For any demonstration to be acceptable to God, it must fall within the confines of the authority of God as is revealed in the Bible. Col. 3: This should be a controlling factor in any good work that a person might do. 2 Tim. 3:16,17.
Conclusion What type of demonstration have you been staging before God and your fellowmen? Do you have a license (a right before God) to demonstrate as you are now doing? Does the gospel roll off of you as water off a duck's back? If you are subject to the gospel call in any way, you will at this very hour demonstrate either for Christ or against Him. Why not take this opportunity to begin demonstrating acceptably and favorably before God and man?