Thank you for your time
Dress Code You need to dress appropriately for a school setting. Ensure tops are high enough and low enough to cover everything. Ensure pants/skirts are low enough to cover everything. Pants/skirts and tops should meet.
Confidentiality Never discuss a child or share my knowledge of a child to anyone who is not authorised to receive such information Defer to the class teacher or school administration any request for information which may come from a parent or carer of a child Any discussions you need to have with a class teacher are conducted in a safe, secure environment to avoid any information being overheard or shared with other people You may be privy to information about staff or students’ parents or carers and this information is also strictly confidential Any information about students, parents or staff is to remain confidential even after I leave the position Any breach of confidentiality is a serious breach of trust and this breach may results in your services as a volunteer being discontinued.
Mandatory Reporting Requirements All employees and visitors in a state school have a responsibility to respond when it is suspected that a student has been harmed or is at risk of harm. Under s.13A of the Child Protection Act 1999, any person may make a report when they reasonably suspect: a child has suffered, is suffering or is at risk of suffering significant harm and may not have a parent able and willing to protect the child from harm
Male Volunteers Protect yourself Do not place yourself or allow anyone else to place you in a position in which your reputation may be compromised. Work in open environments (verandas, spaces which are being shared with other adults/students). Avoid hugging or touching students
Thank you You may be the best part of a student’s day!