Industrial Revolution. By. Jaylynne
Child Labor.
Poor working conditions.
Assembly Lines. –The first moving assembly line was for butchering animals.
New Farm Technology. Before the Industrial Revolution they had to farm by hand. Then they had new technology to make work easier.
New technology used in homes. This is a washer that was made during the Industrial Revolution. Before this they had to wash their clothes in the sink.
Jane Addams Jane Addams was born September 6 th She was a pioneer settlement worker. And she found the Hull House which was located in Chicago, Illinois. The Hull House was a settlement house. The Hull House also held education and social events for poor people.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Stanton was born on November 12th She was an American Social Activist. Stanton joined other woman to organize Woman’s rights conventions to end Woman’s Suffrage. They also gave African Americans the right to vote.
Lincoln Steffens. Lincoln was a famous muckraker, lecturer, and a political philosopher. In 1921 he came back from Russia and he made a famous statement, saying, "I have been over into the future, and it works.”
Ida Tarbell. Tarbell was a teacher and a muckraker in the progressive era. She wrote a lot of books and magazines about society. The best book she has written is The History of Standard Oil Company. She also broke the oil standard monopoly up.
Upton Sinclair. Sinclair wrote over 90 books in his life time. He is famous mainly because his book called The Jungle. This book showed the people the conditions of the meat they ate. And because of this he helped the Drug and Food Act and the Meat Inspecting Act pass.
18 th Amendment. This amendment prohibited alcohol from being sold, made, and transported.
19 th Amendment. Ended woman's suffrage and gave them the right to vote.
Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Made monopolies illegal.
Reform. Reform means to improve things for the better or society.