1 Alan Muller ON BEHALF OF TWG3-NPP COORDINATOR (Peter Bester) FNRBA TWG3 on Regulatory Infrastructure for Nuclear Power Plants – Embarking Country Challenges 17 – 18 November 2014 Vienna, Austria
Background Seventeen countries nominated representatives to participate in the working group (Burkina Faso, Democratic Rep. of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Libya, Morocco, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Tunisia and South Africa) 6 Planning Meetings held since 2010 Training workshops are arranged with the Planning Meetings 2
OBJECTIVE The objectives of the working group are to: –Provide a platform for fostering regional cooperation; –Provide for the exchange of expertise, information and experience; –Provide opportunity for mutual support and coordination of regional initiatives, and –Leverage the development and optimisation of utilization resources. Regulatory bodies participating are therefore committed to share information on regulatory standards and practices with the aim to: –Increase knowledge transfer; –Identify similarities and differences; –Move towards convergence on regulatory standards; –Increase stakeholder understanding of regulatory practices; and –Enhance regulatory cooperation 3
Participation Meeting # Venue, DateNigeria, Mar ‘10 RSA, Oct ‘10Kenya, Jul ‘11Namibia, Sep ‘12 RSA, Nov ‘13 Tunisia, Oct ‘14 Burkina Faso XXX DRC XX Egypt XXXXXX Ethiopia Ghana X Kenya XX Libya X Morocco Namibia XXXX Niger XX Nigeria XXXXX Senegal XX Sudan XXX X Uganda Tanzania XX Tunisia XXXXX X South Africa XXXXX X Total
TRAINING WORKSHOPS The following training workshops have been conducted: a)Nuclear Executive (NRC): Abuja, Nigeria b)Siting Workshop (NRC): Centurion, South Africa c)Construction Permit (NRC): Mombasa, Kenya d)Regulations, Quality Assurance and Codes and Standards (NRC): Swakopmund, Namibia e)Vendor Inspection and Construction Inspections Practices (NRC): : Centurion, South Africa f)Regulatory Framework for NPP (IAEA): Hammamet, Tunisia A workshop on Safety and Regulations of Nuclear Power Plants: Cape Town, South Africa (the workshop included a visit to the Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant about 30km north of Cape Town). The workshop was sponsored by KINS. 5
TWG3-NPP reports The TWG has conducted 4 surveys and produced the following reports: –Report on the status of Conventions in TWG3-NPP Participating Countries (2011) –Report on the responses on status of legal framework, regulatory standards and safety goals (2011) –Survey on the Status of Regulatory Standards relating to Siting on NPP’s (2012) –Survey on the Status of National Nuclear Infrastructure Development for NPP’s (2014) 6
Areas not adequately developed in the majority of the TWG3-NPP countries: National position;Funding and financing; Radiation Protection;Electrical grid; Human Resources;Site and supporting facilities; Environmental Protection;Emergency planning; Nuclear life cycle;Radiation waste; Industrial involvement; Procurement. 36% of respondent countries have to develop plans for readiness for knowledgeable commitment on Nuclear Power. Some responding countries awaiting enactment of legislation. Formal self-assessment of its readiness against the IAEA milestone document, identify the gaps and put plans in place to address the gaps. Consider requesting the IAEA for INIR missions, involve all stakeholders. TWG3-NPP LAST SURVEY 7
Programme of Activities 8 #Activity Description Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 11Design Requirements and Reviews for NPPs -Training workshopx 12Survey on Regulatory Infrastructure Questionnaire based on IAEA SSG-16x Country Feedbackx Survey Reportx 13Management Systems - Training workshop x 14Reactor Site Application Review Training Workshop x Radiological Environmental Impact Assessment Reviews x 15Licensing Process Training Workshop x 16 Survey on Regulatory Standards Questionnaire (Rev 1) x Country Feedback x Survey Report (Rev 1) x Training Workshop (IAEA) x [
Programme of Activities (cont) 9 #Activity Description Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 17 Specialised Training Probabilistic Safety Assessments x Safety Assessment and Review x Leadership and Management of Safety x x Safety Analysis x 18 Survey on Design and Construction Questionnaire x Country Feedback x Survey Report x Training Workshop (Construction Permit Application Review Workshop) x PMPlanning Meetings xxx [
Programme of Activities (cont.) 10 [ For 2015 the following activities have been identified: –Training workshop on Design Requirements and Reviews for NPPs –Survey on Regulatory Infrastructure for NPP’s based on SSG-16 –Training workshop on Management Systems for RB’s We trust that the international partners will sponsor and provide the resource persons for: –Training workshop on Design Requirements and Reviews for NPPs (NRC) –Training workshop on Management Systems for RB’s (IAEA) The brackets indicates potential partner. –An enquiry has been sent to the NRC requesting support for the Design Requirements and Reviews for NPP workshop. –It is recommended that the IAEA arrange a regional workshop on Management Systems for RB’s.
The following challenges have been identified in surveys conducted and feedback at meetings: 1.Difficulties experienced in arranging workshops due to security concerns, visa applications and more recently ebola fears; 2.Reliance on partners to fund initiatives; 3.Training needs of TWG3 countries vary due to the status of development of nuclear infrastructure; 4.Some countries need specialised training such as safety assessment reviews and PSA, while others need training on legal and regulatory infrastructure; TWG3-NPP CHALLENGES 11