Illinois Food Scrap Composting Revitalization and Advancement Program (FSCRAP) David E. Smith, IL DCEO – Recycling ; Green Town: May 21, 2014
When Did Scraps become Waste? (WW II Era Poster)
DCEO’s Food Scrap Program F-SCRAP is designed to assist entities with the acquisition of equipment or to make project necessary site improvements. Collection or processing projects must increase the volume of food scrap material being diverted in Illinois. The program can also support costs for equipment related to marketing end-products. A more recent change allows for funding costs related to obtaining an IEPA permit when one is required. DCEO expects to open its next cycle of grant this fall for project to go on-line in the Spring/Summer About $1 million in funds available. A minimum 10% project match is required.
What Have We Funded?
DCEO’s FSCRAP PROGRAM If you have questions, or wish to notified when the next grant cycle opens contact: David E. Smith Phone Fax: Web site: