Dr Eric CLUA- Programme manager Brief update Item ICRI General meeting - Palau - November 2005
Budget : about 10 Millions US$ What is CRISP ? Duration : 3 years - Ending December 2008 Programme made of 15 projects in 15 countries from the Pacific (SPREP countries) Approach: support to existing organizations and development of new partnerships Partnerships
p Component 1 C1A Strategy for marine biodiversity conservation C1B Marine Protected Areas C1C Capacity building and networking C1D Integrated coastal management (watershed and Anthropoly/socio-economics) p Component 2 C2A Status of coral reefs and use of resources C2B Rehabilitation/restoration of ecosystems C2C Development of Marine Active Substances C2D Development of REEFBASE for the Pacific Component 3 C3A Institutional support, communication, adoption C3B Coordination and extension Structure and actions
Signed March 05 CRISP Coordinating Unit Update on financing process Signed April 05 Signed October 05 Signed October 05 expected Dec. 05
C1A : ecoregional analysis Workshop in Noumea 11-13th August 2005
C1B: MPAs in the Republic of KIRIBATI The Phoenix Islands Conservation and Management project Baseline surveys for the management plan
C1B: 2 MPAs in the Western SAMOA Financial support to management structures
C1B/C: MPAS and capacity building in Solomon, Vanuatu, Kiribati and Tuvalu About 20 MPAs involved in: -Identification of sites -Baseline surveys / training -Workshops / LMMA network
C2A: development of reef fish larvae - Editing of identification guide - Setting up operations in Fiji
C2D: strengthening reef monitoring network - Support to Polynesia Mana network/GCRMN -Missions in Tonga and Cook Islands
C2B: reef restoration - Demonstration site in Motoriki (Fiji) -First monitoring session (after 2 months) -Identification of demonstration sites in Solomon Islands and Western Samoa
C2C: Training and legislation on biodiscovery - Training of USP scientist in sponge taxonomy and active principle extraction - Baseline research for study on legislation frameworks in South Pacific
Development of CRISP - Countries partnerships: Australia : still discussing. Japan : co-organizing a workshop in oct in Moorea (French Polynesia) with University of Ryukyus - Project partnerships: CRTR, Reef Check and PROCFish project : still discussing - Extension of geographic scope : setting up of involvement of CRISP in PNG (Milne Bay project/CI- UNDP)
Thank you…