Place your chosen image here. The four corners must just cover the arrow tips. For covers, the three pictures should be the same size and in a straight line. Mod 0338 UNC Trader User Development Transmission Workgroup 3 rd March 2011
Ofgem Consultation 74/10 and mod 0338 Ofgem has proposed to reduce unused and dormant electricity and gas shipper licences. National Grid provided cautiously favourable response: National Grid noted the potential need for significant changes to define a new UNC category of “Trader User” Raised mod 0338 for development at October UNC Panel Meeting. Agreed at November Workgroup meeting that NGT will produce first draft of mod.
Mod 0338 Overview The Mod is being drafted using the approach detailed below. A new UNC User type to distinguish between Users that are involved in the conveyance of gas and Users that are involved solely in non-physical trading of gas at the NBP. Both types of User able to accede to the UNC. Responsibility to hold the correct licence to carry out activities lies with the User.
Applicability of User Trader Role New “Trader User” definition within defined terms to be defined in TPD B2.2.1 Section V changed to provide new admission conditions and termination procedures relevant to Trader Users only. Each individual section of UNC will indicate whether “Trader User” applies as part of the definition of User for that section, much in the same fashion as DNO Users are currently indicated to apply.
UNC Sections Impacted TPD Section C: Trader Users would apply to C5 so as to have access to make Trade Nominations. TPD section D: Complex modification to admit Trader Users as a Trading Participants for the purposes of non-physical transactions only. TPD Sections E and F: Modified to apply to Trader Users who incur imbalances. TPD section Q: Modified to give Trader Users obligations to cooperate in Emergencies similar to those lying on shippers currently. Many other sections are applicable, or not, on section by section basis.
Proposed Timescales Legal Text currently being drafted. Mod Report at May 2011 Transmission Workgroup. Present to panel for Consultation May Panel consideration June Ofgem decision July Implement 1 st September 2011.