Contrarian Investing
Technical analysis - History tends to repeat itself 1 This suggests that prices will trend down, and is an example of contrarian investing|contrarian trading.Kirkpatrick and Dahlquist
Contrarian investing - Similarity to value investing 1 Contrarian investing is related to value investing in that the contrarian is also looking for mispriced investments and buying those that appear to be undervalued by the market
Contrarian investing - Notable contrarian investors 1 *Jim Rogers is an investor and author who is bullish on contrarian investing in Asian markets.
Contrarian investing - Notable contrarian investors 1 *David Dreman is a money manager often associated with contrarian investing. He has authored several books on the topic and writes the Contrarian column in Forbes magazine.
Day trading - Contrarian investing 1 Contrarian investing is a market timing strategy used in all trading time-frames. It assumes that financial instruments which have been rising steadily will reverse and start to fall, and vice versa. The contrarian trader buys an instrument which has been falling, or short-sells a rising one, in the expectation that the trend will change.
Herd animal - Human parallels 1 Contrarians or Contrarian investing|contrarian investors are those who deliberately choose to invest or speculate counter to the herd.
Dow Jones Indexes - Recent notable developments at DJI 1 It is the only index family that tracks the contrarian investing strategy.
Contrarian - Contrarian investing 1 A contrarian investing style is one that is based on identifying, and speculating against, movements in stock prices that reflect changes in the sentiments of the majority of investors.
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