Life As a Slave In North Carolina By: Ben Williams
?’s to ask! 1.Why did slaves try to escape? 2.How did they try to escape? 3.Where did they try to go? 4.Who where some leaders of the underground railroad? 5.What kind of food was served? 6.If so, how much? 7.Where you able to travel with your family on the boat? 8.Was the sanitation of the life of a slave proper?
Why did slaves try to escape? How did they try to escape? Where did they try to go? In order for slaves to try and be a free person, they had to become a British soldier. This was very hard because they where always under close supervision incase they tried to escape. If the slaves ever did try to escape it had to be in the night, they could not be seen well in the night. The slaves would run as fast and as far as they could. They never did have an exact destination, but they strived to become a British soldier.
Who where some leaders of the underground railroad? Harriet Tubman - Escaped slave known as 'Moses' to those that longed for her to bring them to freedom. Her name is entwined with that of the Underground Railroad. James Fairfield - A white abolitionist rescued enslaved African Americans by pretending to be a slave trader. Thomas Garrett - A Quaker businessman from Wilmington, Delaware who is credited with helping more than 2,700 slaves find freedom.
Who where some leaders of the underground railroad? William Still - Former slave who purchased his own freedom and then became a leader in the Underground Railroad. He also wrote a book preserving the stories of escaped slaves. Frederick Douglass - African-American abolitionist and publisher of the "North Star" newspaper. John Parker - Son of a white businessman and a slave, by his own account he helped over 400 slaves to freedom.
What kind of food was served? If so, how much? Slaves usually received a monthly allowance of corn meal and salt- herrings. Frederick Douglass received one bushel of corn meal a month plus eight pounds of pork or fish. Some plantation owners gave their slaves a small piece of land, a truck-patch, where they could grow vegetables.
Where you able to travel with your family on the boat? If the slaves ever did get to see their family, they had to survive the harmful and gruesome acts that the masters committed in trying to get them to America. Most of the African Americans did not survive the journey from their home to the United States.
Was the sanitation of the life of a slave proper? The journey of a slave to the united states was very disgusting because they where packed into tiny boats and shipped. And there was often many levels on these ships so the slaves was forced to lay down and fit on the floor. So if someone had to relieve themselves it went all of them and the same goes for the people below them.