Report from the Detector R&D Liaisons Jan Strube (Tohoku University) / Maxim Titov (CEA Saclay) * Aerial view at night, Chicago, Illinois AWLC, Fermilab,


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Presentation transcript:

Report from the Detector R&D Liaisons Jan Strube (Tohoku University) / Maxim Titov (CEA Saclay) * Aerial view at night, Chicago, Illinois AWLC, Fermilab, May , 2014

LC DETECTOR R&D LIAISONS: Maxim Titov (Liaison), Jan Strube (Deputy Liaison) CHARGE:  The detector R&D liaison ensures productive communication between the LCC Physics and Detectors Executive Board and detector R&D groups. The liaison is a member of the Executive Board and communicates relevant information from the Executive Board to detector R&D groups and vice versa.  The liaison is in contact with all detector R&D groups relevant to linear colliders to keep track of the overall detector R&D efforts conducted or planned for linear colliders and to periodically compile summaries of the efforts. There are many forms of Detector R&Ds relevant to LC:  ‘Large collaborations’ such as CALICE, LCTPC, FCAL…  Collection of many efforts such as the vertexing R&Ds  Individual group R&D activities  Efforts currently not directly included in the concept groups (ILD, SiD, CLIC), which may become important for LC in future

Major accomplishments during the last few years:  ILC: June Detailed Baseline Design (DBD) Report in ILC TDR: DBD is not the TDR which is the next goal:  Major Engineering efforts and More R&D are still needed  CLIC: 2012 Conceptual Design Report: Starting from ILC Detector Concepts:  redesign forward region (higher bkg) and calorimetry (higher energy jets)  precise hit timing ~10 ns (vertex) and ~ 1 ns (calo) Successful cooperation between ILC and CLIC  Synergy in Detector R&D Studies  Two approaches (ILD and SiD) – Similar Concepts, Different Realizations ILD SiD CLIC

CALICE groups LCTPC groups CMOS GOAL: Shape up-to-date efforts report of the LC Detector R&Ds (this is not an attempt to control different R&Ds, rather collection of information for people to use !)  Update of the R&D developments since ILC DBD and CLIC CDR  Summarize contributions of individual group R&D efforts  Aim for document of < 100 pages  Timescale – Linear Collider Workshop in Belgrade (Oct. 2014)  could help new groups to learn about the current landscape of the R&D activities Chronopixel DEPFET  Concentrate on the R&D activities for the ILD/ SiD Concepts  Discuss synergy between ILC and CLIC developments  Group individual R&Ds based on vertexing, tracking, calorimetry, …

Individual ILC / CLIC R&D Groups are asked to provide (max. 1-2) summary, specifically addressing the following points:  Major R&D efforts (past and present) and recent developments since ILC DBD (with publications/references to major results);  Engineering challenges;  Detector R&D plans for the coming years;  List of collaborating institutes (contributing to this R&D technology);  Perspectives of this R&D for applications beyond the ILC (with references if technology is already used in the other projects) R&D Technology Participating Institutes Technical Summary Achieved Results / Milestones : Future Activities : ILC DBD or CLIC CDR Concept: Past Developments (not included into ILC DBD and CLIC CDR) or New/Emerging R&Ds: and will be asked to summarize major activities in the table:

Major R&D efforts (past and present) and recent developments since ILC DBD (with publications/references to major results)  short introduction into technology and summary of the new results since DBD/CDR. Goal is to include also earlier R&Ds developments, in particular, those currently not directly adopted by the ILD, SiD or CLICdp detector concepts (and thus not included in the DBD or CDR) and/or to describe new/emerging R&Ds Engineering challenges (probably the most challenging question)  most of the ILC detector technologies are mature enough and are ready to go. Engineering aspects are less advanced and need some more years before finalized. Engineering challenges are related to the system integration aspects (e.g., minimization of the material amount in the vertex system to achieve flavor tagging requirements). Since this report will serve as the “entrance point” to the new groups, it would be beneficial if new groups will decide to contribute to the engineering aspects, and not only to the basic detector R&D efforts. Detector R&D plans for the coming years; List of collaborating institutes (contributing to this R&D technology)  goal is to summarize individual group plans (if sufficient funding is available), including engineering challenges

Perspectives of this R&D for applications beyond the ILC (with references if technology is already used in the other projects)  number of the LC R&D developments has been successfully used in other HEP experiments and its extend and the number of spin-offs continue to grow (some groups continue detector R&Ds jointly for ILC and other HEP projects). These synergies are important to advance the image of the LC Detector R&D for the HEP field, in general. THIS IS A CALL TO SUBMIT YOUR CONTRIBUTION to the “Detector R&D Liaison Report“  please send your inputs to Jan Strube Maxim Titov  Some R&D groups have already been contacted and asked to answer questionnaire  ~ 40 % of groups already provided their summaries (some groups sent us also pages documents prepared for review panels or funding agencies)  Too much variations in the received inputs  need substantial editing  All groups will be able to see/comment on the report (before it will become public). The goal is to have such "efforts review" document ready for Belgrade LCC 2014 meeting.

TechnologyInstituteContact name ILC Pixel Vertex R&Ds: CMOS MAPSIPHC StrasbourgM. Winter DEPFETMPI Munich IFIC Valencia L. Andricek M. Vos FPCCDKEKY. Sugimoto 3D-pixel and integration FNALR. Lipton ChronopixelUniv. OregonN. Sinev/. Brau SOIKEKY. Arai CLIC Pixel Vertex R&Ds: Hybrid Sensor +ASIC HV-CMOS + ASIC CERNL. Linssen / D. Dannheim Si-Tracking Electronics R&Ds: LSTFE readout ASICSCIPP, UCSCB. Schumm KPIX readout ASIC (also for ECAL) SLACM. Breidenbach DEPFET for Belle II CLIC (hybrid pixels): thin Si-sensor +Timepix CMOS for STAR

TechnologyInstituteContact GEM- based readout: Laser-etched GEM (Asian GEMs): KEK Univ. Saga K. Fujii/ T. Matsuda A. Sugiyama Wet-etched GEMsDESY RWTH Aachen T. Behnke S. Roth Micromegas-based readout: Resistive MM with dispersive anode CEA Saclay Carleton P. Colas/ D. Attie A. Belletive GEM or Micromegas + Timepix pixel readout: GEM + pixelBonn Siegen Freiburg J. Kaminski I. Fleck M. Schumacher InGrid:NIKHEF Bonn CEA Saclay J. Timmermans J. Kaminski D. Attie Other aspects: MechanicsCornell Kansas D. Peterson G. Wilson ElectronicsLundL. Jonsson ~ 70 pages

TechnologyInstituteContact ILC ECAL R&Ds: Silicon ECALLLR LAL Kyushu Univ./ Tolyo Univ. Univ. Oregon J.-C. Brient/ V. Boudry R. Poeschl K. Kawagoe/ T. Yoshioka D. Strom MAPS ECALIC LondonP. Dauncey Sci ECALShinshu University T. Takeshita ILC HCAL (AHCAL) R&Ds: Sci AHCALDESYF. Sefkow ILC HCAL ((s)DHCAL) R&Ds: RPC DHCALArgonne (ANL)J. Repond RPC sDHCALIPNL LyonI. Laktineh GEM DHCALUniv. ArlingtonA. White MM sDHCALLAPP AnnecyM. Chefdeville AHCAL

TechnologyInstituteContact ILC Forward Calorimeter R&Ds: LumiCal / BeamCal DESY (on behalf of the 15 FCAL institutes) W. Lohnmann Other technology options for LC calorimeter: Dual-readout calorimetry On behalf of the 11 RD52 institutes J. Hauptmann ECFA Detector R&D Panel: ~ 70 pages TechnologyInstituteContact CLIC HCAL R&Ds: Sci AHCALCERN, MPI, DESY / Univ. Hamburg F. Simon L. Linssen F. Sefkow RPC DHCALCERN, ANLL. Linssen J. Repond CLIC FCAL R&Ds: FCAL hardware CERNL. Linssen Synergies between CLIC - ILC: FCAL (BeamCal) sensors:

Aim is to deliver a “coherent summary”(LC Detector R&D Efforts Review)  group individual R&Ds (based on technology) and summarize them in the tables

 LC Detector R&D Liaison Report starts to wrap up its initial shape  We encourage all individual R&D groups to answer questionnaire and to provide us inputs summarizing your past and future detector efforts  Any comments /suggestions are appreciated