AP Psych DMA 1. An aroused or excited state that is often triggered by physiological need is called a…. 2. Positive and negative environmental stimuli that motivate behavior are called….? Please turn in FRQs #1 and 2 AND this week’s DMAs Please write the questions & leave room for your answers.
Today’s Agenda DMA/ turn in Turn in FRQs Chapter 12 ◦ Eating Dis. ◦ Masters & Johnson Homework: FRQ #1 & 2 due Friday, Feb. 10 th FRQ #3 due Wednesday, Feb. 15 th Chapter 12 & 13 Test – Thursday, Feb. 23 rd Chapter 12 & 13 notes due Thursday, Feb. 23rd
Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa when a normal-weight person diets and becomes significantly (>15%) underweight, yet, still feeling fat, continues to starve Bulimia Nervosa disorder characterized by episodes of overeating, usually of high-calorie foods, followed by vomiting, laxative use, fasting, or excessive exercise
Women’s Body Images
Sexual Motivation Sex a physiologically based motive, like hunger, but it is more affected by learning and values Sexual Response Cycle the four stages of sexual responding described by Masters and Johnson excitement plateau orgasm resolution
Prior to Masters & Johnson
Birth Control Leads the Way Margaret Sanger Her mother, Anne Purcell Higgins, was a devout Roman Catholic who went through 18 pregnancies (with 11 live births) before dying of tuberculosis and cervical cancer. Sanger founded the American Birth Control League
Kinsey American biologist and professor of entomology and zoology In 1935, Kinsey delivered a lecture to a faculty discussion group at Indiana University, ◦ his first public discussion of the topic ◦ he attacked the "widespread ignorance of sexual structure and physiology" a ◦ promoted his view that "delayed marriage" (that is, delayed sexual experience) was psychologically harmful.
Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953) Kinsey Reports
Alfred Kinsey created a scale for understanding sexual orientation during his groundbreaking research in the 1940s. He put heterosexuality on one side of the scale and homosexuality on the other, Leaving plenty of room in the middle for the ambiguities of life. The Kinsey Scale looks something like this…
0 Exclusively heterosexual 1 Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual 2 Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual 3 Equally heterosexual and homosexual 4 Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual 5 Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual 6 Exclusively homosexual
Kinsey's studies found that about 10% of people (13% of men and 7% of women) in his American studies were homosexual. Problems with Kinsey’s Studies Self-reported Information is not reproducible
Masters and Johnson
Sexual Physiology Advent of the sexual revolution made this study possible. Masters and Johnson believed that to understand human sexuality ◦ we must study actual sexual behavior in response to sexual stimulation, ◦ rather than what people perceive or believe their sexual experiences to be. In response/contrast to Kinsey.
The questions: Masters and Johnson were looking solely at the physiological aspects of sexual response. They wanted to know: What physical reactions develop as the human male responds to effective sexual stimulation? Why do men and women behave as they do when responding to effective sexual stimulation?
Why do this? Once we rule out the physiological, we can get a better idea of how to help the psychological. ◦ Specifically, to address problems of sexual inadequacy in order to help people with their sexual problems.
The Rumors: Yes, the first subjects were prostitutes. ◦ Masters and Johnson did not believe that they would be able to find everyday people to participate in a study of sex. HOWEVER, after they decided that, though useful, their findings could not be accurately or credibly applied to people in general… ◦ they obtained quite a large subject group.
The subjects Over 600 people, and over 10,000 sexual cycles Ages ranged from 18 – 90 Men and women High school educated through Grad School.
Procedures Masturbation – manual and mechanical (specially designed instruments made by physicists.) Sexual intercourse The subjects were given the chance to acclimate before being observed. ◦ “No attempt was made to record reactions until the study subjects felt secure in their surroundings.”
The sexual response cycle: Stage 1FemaleMale ExcitementFirst sign: vaginal lubrication. Clitoral glands and nipples become erect. Vagina increases in length and inner two- thirds of vagina expands. First sign: erection of penis. Time to erection varies (with person, age, alcohol/drug use, etc.) Skin of the scrotum pulls up toward body, testes rise. Erection may be lost if distracted, but usually regained readily
Stage 2 Female Responses Male Responses Plateau Outer one-third of vaginal walls swell, reducing opening by up to 50 percent. Inner two-thirds of vagina continues to balloon or “tent”. Clitoris become erect and retracts toward body and under hood. Lubrication decreases. Minor lips engorge with blood and darken in color, indicating orgasm is near. Muscle tension and blood pressure increase. Full erection attained; not lost easily if distracted. Penile glands enlarges further. Cowper’s glands secrete pre-ejaculate fluid. Testes elevate farther and enlarge slightly, indicating orgasm is near. Muscle tension and blood pressure increase.
Stage 3Female ResponseMale Response OrgasmBegins with rhythmic contractions in pelvic area at intervals of.8 seconds, especially in muscles behind the lower vaginal walls. Uterus contracts rhythmically as well. Muscle tension increased through body. Some women report ejaculation of fluid from the urethra. Begins with pelvic contractions.8 seconds apart. Ejaculation, the expelling of semen, occurs in two phases: 1. emission: semen builds up in urethral bulb, producing sensation of ejaculatory inevitability 2. expulsion – genital muscles contract, forcing semen out through urethra
Stage 4Female ResponseMale Response Resolution Clitoris, uterus, vagina, etc., return to unaroused state typically in less than one minute. Clitoris often remains very sensitive to touch. This process may take several hours if woman has not experienced an orgasm. No refractory period. (Discovered multiple orgasms.) Approximately 50% loss of erection within one minute; more gradual return to fully unaroused state. Testes reduce in size and descend. Scrotum relaxes. Refractory period of minutes to a day.
Sexual Anatomy Myths Masters and Johnson’s work dispelled some major misconceptions: Size worries – Nope, the average size of a penis ranges from 5.5 inches to 7 inches. Satisfaction - Also larger penises are not necessary for sexual satisfaction of a female partner. ◦ The vaginal walls swell to envelope a penis of virtually any size.
Why does this matter? Goal was to address problems of sexual inadequacy in order to help people with their sexual problems. ◦ Virtually all sex therapy is based on Masters and Johnson’s work. Recent studies of women’s versus men’s sexual response has lead to the conclusion that a viagra- like pill for women would do little good… ◦ Women’s emotions are more likely to be an indicator of problems than physiology. Also applies to combating the ageism rampant in society when discussing the elderly and quality of later life.
Sexual Motivation Same drives, different attitudes
Sexual Motivation