TPS: What is an ocean? Oceanography – What does your book say? – Ocean- – -ography – Con – Pro
Oceanography ( 4 Subdisciplines)
How does it relate to other sciences? Interdisciplinary
Why Care? Mr. Hill’s Answers: Politics, Resources, Ecology, Stewardship Ethic Ocean Literacy NOAA: Know your Ocean!
Marine Goods and Services Ocean Ecosystem Goods and Services at Risk: The ocean and its coastal interface provide: seafood; habitats; fuel wood; energy sources (oil and gas, wind, wave, tidal, thermal); wetland protection; and genetic resources. The ocean regulates weather and climate; protects coasts; detoxifies; and traps sediments. Wetlands mitigate storm damage. The ocean provides cultural services, including recreational; educational; aesthetic; and spiritual. The ocean supports economic activity, including jobs, fisheries, food, marine transportation, trade, fuel, and energy. The ocean supports nutrient cycling and primary production.
What changes with depth in the ocean?
*Fill-out the handout as the different zones are described.
Study Video
Social Contract. 1 How do you want to be treated by me (leader)? 2 How do you want to be treated by each other? 3 How do you think I want to be treated by you? 4 How do you want to treat each other when there is conflict?