Brain Builders An innovative approach to providing effective homework at Stokes Wood Primary School
Current Situation Since their introduction at the stat of 2005, we are pleased that for many children, Brain Builders have proved to be a very successful way of completing good quality homework. We are aware that those who are most successful spend time working and discussing tasks with parents.
Our aim In order to extend learning, we are providing a well planned series of activities which have clear links with work completed in the classroom. In addition, we are offering something that children can take control of, actively engage with and take pride in.
How are we achieving this? Children receive their Brain Builder tasks each week. There are opportunities during school time to review and discuss Brain Builder tasks. Brain Builders are high profile and high status.
Brain Builders in action We believe that Brain Builders are an excellent way in which to provide high quality out of school learning – they will continue to evolve and improve. For this to happen, staff, pupils and parents must be involved in evaluating and developing the concept.
How can you support your child? Give children time to talk about what they have to do – just the process of explaining and discussing the task will help your child to understand. Offer ideas on how to present the work. Give children a space to work which is away from other distractions.
How can you support your child? (continued) Give homework a high status in your house and make it a priority. Try to set aside specific homework times/evenings – and make time to work with your child. Ensure that some days are homework free. Reward excellent work.
What Now? Brain Builders are a partnership between school and home. For them to be effective everybody needs to be working towards a common aim. Good quality homework will help us to achieve ‘Success for all’.