Word Processing Using the computer to create, edit, proofread, format, and print documents.
Word Processing is the program where you type. n Means typing.
n Reports n Letters n Memos n Journals What kinds of things can we type in Word Processing? n Summaries n Notes n Poems n Lyrics
What has been typed? n Means typing. document
What is each letter typed? n Means typing. character
How was this typed? n Means typing. word wrap
What is output from a printer? n Means typing. printout
What does key in this info? n Means typing. type
Sections What does key in these sections? paragraphs
What does “All Characters” mean? Enter Tab Space
Why use a Header and Footer? And When? Things typed in the header or footer print out on all pages… Things typed in the header or footer print out on all pages… Header Name Date Teachers Name Class Footer Page numbers Footnotes
What are the shortcuts for Highlighting text? n For Words –double click n For Paragraphs –triple click on the paragraph (click, click, click) n For Titles and Paragraphs –Use white left margin arrow and click and drag To highlight text point to the left of the margin and click an drag. To highlight a word, double click on it or click and drag.
What does undo mean? Undo will undo the last 100 actions! Toolbar – Edit Undo
WP Intro Review 1. What is anything typed on the keyboard? 2. What is output from a printer? 3. Where do we type our documents? 4. What is letting the computer end each line? 5. What is anything created on a word processing program? character printout Word processing word wrap document
WP Intro Activity WP Intro Activity (Word Processing, Character, Document, Wordwrap) 1. Pick groups. Need 4 in a group. 2. Each student will have an index card with a different word. Front of the card: vocab word and a picture or example. Back of the card: will be the definition in your own words. 3. Review the words by drilling each other until everyone knows all words. 4. When ready, I will drill you.